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Well, I have 2 days vacation time I'm being forced to take, thank you Mr Ike! My employer shut down everything today and we won't go back until Monday, if then. I wasn't planning on evacuating, I live in northern Brazoria County and the southern end is under mandatory evac so far. But looking on the bright side, I have four days off so I am going to the ranch, just north of Huntsville. My mother is going over to my sisters tomorrow so she'll be fine. Get to see my 80 yo friend whom I haven't seen in almost a year because of gas prices. Taking my applique with me so I don't go nuts without something to do! :D I can get online from there.

Anyone else leaving because of Ike?

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Be Safe and hope you return home soon. My Brother & family are leaving Port O'Connor tommorrow and heading for Houston to son's home. Just got past worrying about family in Louisiana and North Carolina, now's it's Texas. Told my older sister in NC that I'm totally happy about moving to Colorado 20+ years ago!! Prayers are going with you all.

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Kenna, I was thinking of & praying for you earlier today. Take care and enjoy your time with your friend and a little bit of hand work to boot.

I went thru a typhoon in 1991 when I went to see my son while he was stationed on Guam. Scarrrrrrryy to this Northwest girl. We just deal with earthquakes & volcanos. LOL........:cool: can you say wuss?

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Thanks y'all! Ike took a wobble north last night so this might be an evac after all! It's 4:45am, (no matter what the clock on this forum says), and I'll be out the door by 5:15. Have to go through Houston to get to Huntsville! Bleech! Thanks for the prayers. Sandra you are close enough to get some of the dirty side of this, too, so be careful!

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Prayers with you all. I'm in Fannett Texas a community outside of Beaumont on Houston side. I'm still here but my neighborhood is dead. Only one neighbor here. We are leaving early in morning.

I attempted to leave at 9am this morning but the traffic lines were awful. During Rita it took me almost 14 hrs to get 50 to 60 miles from my home. Not doing that again. I almost ran out of gas and saw many who had and it was awful to see and not be able to help. I'm doing the last minute Charlie thing hoping to travel faster. I have 5 dogs traveling with me in my Van. NOT leaving them. No way. No how.

They travel with me all the time and do great so that's the easy part. lol

Off to catch a CAP nap to begin the journey. Going to Kansas to meet hubby. Hopfully most of the roadways will have began to move at a better pace. Let's hope so. If I get in line and it looks like I'm moving at 5mph I'm coming back home. I have everything I need here to surive for a few weeks but I do hope to get out.

Hugs to you all and SAFE journeys out.

Love Grammie Tammie.

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Hey Tammie! I left Alvin at 5:25 this morning and was in Madisonville by 7:30. I left early enough that I was ahead of all the people going into work. Went straight up 45 through downtown Houston with just a little slow down here and there, never did have to come to a complete stop. The key is to get on the road really early. With Rita I left the morning they were starting the evacs, but was early enough that I had smooth sailing all the way. my sister waited until 10:00 am adn took 24 hours to get to Waco. Leave early, early in the morning and you've got it made! Be safe!

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