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I'm back w/a heavy heart

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Just wanted to say Hi to everyone!

Not sure anyone even noticed I was gone but my computer CRASHED on Sept. 28th and just got it up and running Thurs. night. So I am back and trying to catch up on what has been happening here on the chat.

But I have some bad news also to share that isn't so good. An uncle of mine that is very close to me died this morning and has been fighting cancer off and on for over 11 yrs. The last 2 yrs. have taken the toll on him. He was a big man, over 6'4" and 200lbs. but now 110lbs.

He is not hurting anymore and he is in Gods hands so if you would keep my family in you prayers I would appreciate it very much. The funeral will be next week, I'm just not sure what day yet.

Thank you all for being here for me and God bless you too.

Renae Gamel

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Dear Renae, I'm so sorry to hear about your Uncle. When you are sad, remember all the good times and if possible the funny ones. I'll be keeping you and your family in my prayers. Let Him put His big arms around all of you and hold you close now. Bless you


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I can't help a few tears without even knowing you Renae. Death is sad for us, those left behind. I can't help thinking those who have passed on before us are in a much better place---but that's the easy way out. We grieve over our loss, and with time, we heal. It makes life much more sweet to know we have another day, another hour, another minute to breathe in life. We're all sad for you, and offer our prayers and faith for your support and comfort. Thank you for your faith in us and letting us know about your uncle. That must have been difficult to watch him waste away from such a big man. God bless you.

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Today my mom and I were talking about my uncle Allen and at times laughing about some of the things we remembered. And one of them was between him and his one daughter, Tammy. BTW, she is a real character and a lot of fun; anyway, what happened was soooooooooo funny and we really had our belly laugh and then mom said, " she is really a strong girl". Actually, she is a woman in her 40's but mom calls her a girl...;) Then I said, "yea, it reminds me of when dad died, and he kept asking for me. 'Where is Renae? When is Renae getting here? I want to talk to Renae alone.' " Mom said she remembered him asking that in the hospital but had forgotten until now. She asked me, "how do they know who or which one of you are the strong ones?" I didn't know how to answer that, because I couldn't.

I was on my way to my Dad that day going as fast as I could because he was asking for me specifically and it wasn't like he was going to die that day but he was in the hospital. But when I got there he wanted me in the room alone and to sit beside him. He held my hand and looked at me and said," honey, I'm not going to be able to kick it this time." And then he said,"I love you" and he hugged me. I can't remember my dad hugging me OR saying I love you to me before. I know he did love me just wasn't the type to express it by saying it.

You see he had Cancer 6 yrs before and his feelings were he wasn't going to get over it this time and he told me so I could tell my mom and the rest of the family. He didn't want the Dr. to do it and he couldn't do it. He also wanted me to take care of mom and help her if she needed me.

We sat together and held each other and talked a litte longer and then I went out and told mom and the other kids what he said.

All my mom said was, "at least he told someone." You see, we knew he had the cancer again but wasn't sure of how he was going to take it and if he wanted us to actually know it to. Does that make sense to you??? Maybe you have to go through it to understand........I'm not sure. But you won't believe me if I tell you this didn't happen last year this happened in December 1976. My dad died of Pancreatic Cancer on July 27, 1977, and I still miss him.

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Oh my I don't know what to say. How lucky for you to have such a wonderful uncle in your family. Continue to cherish and remember the blessings he gave you and will continue to give you ,,,even into the future.

PS: YES YES! I definitely missed you were gone from here a while... and I assumed you were busy with life. I am sorry about your computer crash. I think about you often, dear friend, Renae. :)

(((hugging you Renae)))

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