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New Rep!!!

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Well, I took the plunge and decided to become a Rep for APQS. I am so pumped I can hardly stand it. I decided this last Thursday and talked to Heidi last Friday and went to the Rep Rally on Sun thru Tue.

WOW!!! Talk about brain over-load!! :D:D I had 4 people wanting to talk about the machines BEFORE I left for the Rally and I have one that is going to call me tonight (Wed.).

I met the GREATEST people and the APQS Staff is just wonderful. I guess I believe in the machines so much I feel it won't be that hard to sell and with all the support out there I can call anyone of them for help if I need it.:):)

This is just a whole new career and chapter to my life and Rick is right there with me. He went along and took classes and is just as excited as I am.

Now I have to get a website up and I will get a picture up also.......OUCH!! Hope that doesn't make anyone run away...

So I'm very anxious to start to build my business and continue quilting of course. I just opened another door is all.

Renae Gamel

Quilting Quarters

APQS Sales Rep and Educator



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