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I am ...stunned

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Today was one of those days when I just felt completely adrift. Even though I have been very much at peace waiting for God's plan for me to unfold, I felt so...alone. My sweet friend Brenda kept begging me to come down to see her, so today was the day. It didn't turn out quite like we planned, but finally we got together at her house. She was oddly excited, but I wasn't quite understanding. When I walked in my "bedroom" at her house, there on the bed was an amazing quilt. Made by some very, very special people, all of whom are on this list. To say I am stunned, is to put it mildly. I don't know that I deserve this but I am so very grateful to all of you. You are my anchor right now. Even if I don't say much here, I try to check in once in awhile to keep up on everyone. Beth, thank you so much for putting the blocks together. Some are signed and some are not, but to all of you I can only say you are my sisters in spirit if not blood. I don't know what else to say. Brenda put angels around me, you all put hugs in my heart. ;);)

My words seem so inadequate, so forgive me. I am still shocked and stunned. Maybe tomorrow I will find the right things to say. Again, thank you. Y'all will just never know what this means to me.:):)


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Nancy was in shock to say the least. Her emotions were on her sleeve but she held it together. I have been trying to get her for weeks! and she finally made it! The work you all did is amazing. I quilted it with angels and it has wool batting and a minky back! Beth did such a beautiful job in making all the blocks play beautifully together. I stuck my block on the back, as I am a little toooo:P:P bright in color, but it looked ok against the brown!

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Guest Linda S

I wasn't in on it and haven't been around enough lately to know what is happening with you. Having been the recipient of such a quilt, however, I can appreciate the way you're feeling. It is amazing to know that you are loved by many. All best wishes for a good outcome to your situation.


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After driving all day to get back to Idaho, I sit here snuggled up in my amazing quilt. You guys are fabulous friends. It makes me smile to think of all these angels surrounding me. Tomorrow is a new day and great things are possible. I have the best friends in the world, a fantastic family and two of the best little men (grandsons) in the world. I am truly blessed.

Beth, thank you so much for putting this together. You are awesome. Y'all certainly know how to keep a secret!!!:D:D:D:D:D


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Nancy Jo,

Seems like several of us have been in your shoes. Also being the mother of one of the 'mommies/babies' that received a special quilt I can understand how amazed you might be feeling that you were chosen for this honor. Friends just want to let you know we do think about you and send hugs and prayers your way every day.

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We're thinking of you Nancy Jo and hope every new day gets better and better. You are in my prayers and I hope to meet you in person some day soon. You are a strong, sweet lady so take care of yourself and snuggle under that quilt that was made with love from your friends.


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