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A year ago I took a quilt class and enjoyed it. I made one block (no pattern, just instructions verbally) then came home and made 19 more. It turned out great! This week our local school had an art show and asked me to bring a quilt to display as a work of local art. I took that quilt because it was something a child would really like. The lady who taught the class has a son who attends the school and went to the art walk. She called me and everyone at the school to take down the quilt! She said she owned the rights to it because she was the artist who designed the pattern. And no one could display her work but her. (I did give her credit). (This is not a new pattern, - it is really more like a technique than a pattern - I got on webshots and checked and they are all over the place - 100s like it that date back years and years). She said she was going to sue. I was so embarrassed. The school didn't take it down and called me and said how sorry they were but now I am re-thinking my every move. Have you ever had anything like this happen?

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WOW - I've never had anything like this happen to me. I think that if you could just talk to the lady and let her know that you made this quilt thru the class and had no idea that you were violating her rights. Also, I would mention that after you were notified by the school, you went to webshots and there are hundreds out there just like yours, that she may calm down. If she created the pattern, she can't expect no one to display or take pictures of the quilts that they have made from her pattern. I think that she is going a bit too far with her "rights", but I would take the high road and try and find out what her expecations are for those who make her quilt. IMHO. I would make me gun shy as well. :(

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She doesn't have "copyright" or any legal basis. She has no proof of any infringement since it was a verbal class and from what you are saying - it was more of a technique. If she had given you a paper pattern that she created and you took the pattern to the school and was selling it - then she would have a case. Reason: I have done some beading pattern books - people make the beadwork from the patterns. They can sell any of the beadwork but they can't sell the actual patterns. Case closed.

There is only one area that I know where this is an issue and that is if someone takes a Disney charactor or something that is trademarked and puts it on a quilt/wearable art, etc., then there is legal basis.

Rest easy, you are a-ok and she is not correct. Keep quilting and enjoying what you are doing.

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Shame on her! Raising a stink at a school about something she is so WRONG about! What in the world does she think people will do after taking a quilt class? Make the quilt and then never display it anywhere? I wish we had a smilie with eyes rolling, it would be appropriate here.

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Wow Dib I can't even imagine the stress you must be feeling over this. I can't imagine that her case would stand up in court either. If the same design is all over websots dating far back then how is it that she claims the design is hers? Just because of a technique used to make it? I don't think it works that way. It doesn't appear to me that she has copyrights on her side. I would make photo copies of all the designs on webshots and make sure the date is printed on them. That will be enough proof for any judge. If you sell a pattern and somebody makes it and displays it that is not infringement. Sorry you're having a bad day!

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How unusual Dib. Since you have covered all your bases with displaying the quilt---I would let her "attempt" to sue you.

She is just intimidating you, and she has no grounds for doing this that I can see from reading your message. I would also document everything to do with this quilt starting with the advertisement for the class (day one) onward.

I've made a lot of quilts from patterns, from classes with some very famous quilters (Judy Martin, Karen Combs, Judy Matheson to name a few)---and not once have these generous teachers said anything to the effect that I could not display "my quilt" that "I made" using their pattern. Even more stressful to you is the fact that you are showing the quilt in a non-judged event that is just for fun.

I would be upset and rightfully so. I would write her a letter, registered---and let her know "your rights" and what you have learned about displaying your quilt, and inform her that you think she has no grounds for her remarks, and thatt she has caused you undue stress and embarrasment with this school event that was not necessary.

I'm really sorry this has happened to you.

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This is just something. I would have been tickled to death that someone would display a quilt they made with my guidance. I would have strutted around there like a peacock. I can not fathom that she would be offended. This goes to show you that their are 2 types of quilters: The sweet ones that love the art and love to help grow that; Then the ones like this lady.

Glad I hang with the sweet ones.

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I feel for you but Laura is right....the technique may be hers but the pattern isn't and she has no legal claim to it.

If you look at the magazines today, you will find that a lot of the quilts are made with time honored patterns...just new fabric and you weren't trying to sell the pattern, just show something made of it.

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I would tell her that although it does resemble some similarity to hers, actually you used your own thoughts and copied some from webshots to make the quilt. Tell her you'd be happy to share with her the site where you got the pictures and ideas. If that doesn't satisfy her, serve her with a certified letter explaining all this and tell her your attorney will be in touch. I'll bet she backs off super quick.

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Only one thing to add to the comments already made......This woman is an unreasonable nutter!

The school refused to take down YOUR quilt so me thinks there are no legal issues here. She claims that "no one could display her work but her"....well this is not her work. It was made by you with your materials and your time. You gave credit for her contribution.

She must be having a bad time and be feeling very unsecure.

You've done nothing wrong so try not to let her upset you further.

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How can she be upset?? She should be proud that her instructions have actaully resulted in a beautiful quilt! Perhaps this needs to be brought up with the Quiltshop she teaches at......... it should have been made absolutely clear before her class, that the method could be observed but could not used or quilts produced or quilts shown, that used this method. How ridiculous!

I agree with many of the others here that one, she is upset about other things in her life. That two, you cannot teach a class or show a procedure that people have paid for and then not expect them to use that procedure and display items made using it. That three, you gave her the Kudos, and that should have made her proud as punch!!

Dib, if you feel you cannot ignore this, respond by registered letter to her with the copies of the webshot photos and an outline of your objections to her treatment of you! Although you are the aggrieved one here, in the end take the high road, take some deep breaths (in with the good, out with the bad!! Think "calm blue ocean!!!), smile and continue what you enjoy doing most, quilting!!!

Regards and have a Happy Easter,

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if you gave her credit for her pattern then that is that. Tell her to get a life and leave you alone. Also tell her to go to all the webshots and threaten them and see how far she gets and it will take her a long time so it should keep her busy for a while. Just my 2 cents. I'm in one of those moods today.



Washougal WA

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I'm sorry you have run into someone like this. I think that this woman is really a Miss Meanie. It doesn't sound like she has any grounds to claim the pattern as hers. And that may not be what she is claiming. It sounds as if she is claiming the technique. So what could she possibly be thinking by teaching a class that people have to pay to take but cannot use unless they hide the quilt. Isn't it strange that Sharon Schamber teaches her Piecelique method, publishes books about it and has the copyright and it is trademarked,which BTW is noted on her clas HANDOUTS, and that anyone is free to use the technique, She does ask that she be credited for the method if the quilt is entered for show or display. It's free advertising for her and people see her credited on award winning quilts and wall hangings, and line up to buy her books and take her classes. Where would she be if she decided that no one could use her method for a quilt to be placed in a show without her permission? All she wants is the credit in the write up with the quilt. This woman should be happy that your quilt with her name associated with it is out there getting attention for her. Even if it is a local school event where does she think the people who take her classes send their kids to school? If this is the way she behaves she won't be able to get anyone in one of her classes. Where would we all be if we had to ask Darlene Epps, Myrna Ficken, Kimmie Brunner, Sherry Rogers-Harrison, or Karen McTavish for permission BEFORE starting to quilt if we could use their technique for a Quilt that MIGHT end up on display for some reason at some unknown time in the future? If she does sue you I'll bet that the places she teaches would love to be called to testify, as well as everyone she has ever taught the class to and that. Information can be obtained by subpeona. Gee, I would get up and walk out of a class if someone said that, and demand my money back. I'm not paying for or taking a class if I can't use the technique as I please, & giving credit to the creator, as long as I'm not teaching her class, claiming the technique as my own, or selling instructions about it.

Ok, off my soapbox! Can you tell that I don't like bullies? I am actually a very loving, caring human being who is just agreeing with everyone else in my own special way! I can't do smilies on my blackberry so you'll just have to visualize my post full of laughing, and winking tiny yellow faces!

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Wow, I'm sorry you had to have a person like that bothering you. It seems she has a case of the pain in the neck syndrome. I always think up reason why people act this way and I can never think of any good ones except they are just unhappy people. No matter what they are unhappy. Please don't fret any more about it.What harm could she possible have suffered? If the pattern isn't copy righted what right does she have?

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Dib the lady is being a JackAs.......

Even if she does have the copyright her approach is not professional and not beneficial at all to her.

I wouldn't worry a bit about what she says. Sounds like a bitter mean person to me.

I'd call her on it if it were me but you do what is best for you. You did the thoughtful thing by crediting her part but it is your quilt!!!!!!!

You would think she would be flattered but who knows. Stand your ground.

Hugs and best wishes,

Grammie Tammie

"Some people are just plain mean stingy and selfish" I feel sorry for them.

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Whoa - she sounds like a nut case - sorry.............. Everything has already been said so won't add to it other than it is not her pattern if there are so many on the internet - technique - maybe???? who knows. I have learned that it is hard to even come up with totally original techniques these days.......... Keep showing your quilt - give her the credit due and leave it at that. Enjoy that fact that the school wants to display your quilt!!

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My 2 cents worth.........SHE IS AN IDIOT! She should have been proud you even gave her credit at all. Frankly, I don't think she even deserved that! I love that the school didn't take it down. Shame on her. Old patterns, I forget the term, something like public domain. I never have heard of someone being upset at a quilt being displayed! I would love for her to have said that to me!:mad:

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