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NQR...we have new neighbors....

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This little lady has moved herself and her 4 pups into our back yard.....they were so cute this moring sunning themselves on the big rock just behind the house...its about 80 feet from the back of the house...and even one came up to the house...little stinker..

AHHHH MOM...not in public...can't ya wait for the washing of the face till bed time...I don't want to take a nap....MOM!!!!

p><p> <img src=[/img]


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I see Daddy hunting in the front pasture at least once a week in the early early mornings...and he is huge, must weigh about 60 pounds and is very tall. I will try to get pictures of him if I can ...he is red from the tip of his nose to about mid chest and then grey from there back to the tail...never have I seen such a crazy critter, but he is gorgeous...and now I have seen his wife and actually 4 pups. She looks to weight about 45 pounds and the kits are about 15 weeks old from watching them play and how they move around, and they all look like mommy...solid red although one did look like he could turn grey once he got older.

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Bonnie, when I was a little girl (3-4 Years) I had a wild red fox as a pet. We took naps together under the shade tree. No one could believe it. I would just play outside and the fox would come out and lay next to me. Before long I started feeding it with left over breakfast foods and milk. It didn't take long before we were buds. :D:D:D

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Originally posted by sspingler

How cute........but also so dangerous! Foxes are notorious for carrying rabies.

I grew up on a farm in Ohio and we had 2 pet foxes...one red female and one gray male.

True, but so do skunks, raccoons, possiums, mice, coyotes... the trick is that they have to bite you to give it to you...and I don't think I would be standing around waiting for one to do something like that. ;):P:cool: and its not likely that I would reach out and pet a stray wild animal even if it did come to the door step and knock....I too was raised around animals and wildlife...and my daddy didn't raise a fool.

As far as the cat and dog getting bit, nope they are house animals and have been vacinated for such should they get out and get into a fight. Not worried about them being this close to the house and now I'll have some morning entertainment while I have my morning tea, at least for a few months till they move on...

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Now that's my kind of entertainment, Bonnie!

And speaking of 'evidence'...we have about 30 Canadians visiting our pond. They are lounging under the oaks and coming up close to the driveway. This morning our dog went out to investigate and decided to roll around in the 'evidence' :( . Just what I wanted to do on Sunday morning was give her a bath, but believe me it was the lesser of two evils because it was either shower her or smell her!

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how cute Bonnie, there used to be a family of foxes that lived on the golf course when we were stationed in Brunswick Maine. We used to take the kids out to play golf late in the evening and by the time we finished it would be near dusk. the foxes would come out to play on the greens about that time of night. One time one of the baby foxes ran up and took my boys golf ball off the green. He was only about 8 years old and was so mad that he was chasing the fox and yelling give me back my ball. It was too cute, we told him that foxes were just the same as dogs and they like to play with balls too. He was happy then and said the fox could keep his ball to play with.

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Besides the deer coming to "prune" my raspberries and snowball bush, I saw two coyote's in the orchard yesterday. By the time I got upstairs to grab the camera, they were gone. Then a jogger came up the road. I wonder if he scared the animals, or if they scared him?

Your foxes are gorgeous. Thanks for the pictures.

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You are so lucky to have them around just to watch! I had one hunting in the woods just about 50 feet from the house. But now the trees have filled in for the summer and I can't see into the woods at all.

I do have a hawk nesting about 30 feet off my grass. I have seen them feeding the babies. Again, now with the trees it is almost impossible to see the nest.

Thanks for sharing the pictures.

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Thanks for the beautiful pictures!:)

I love watching the foxes in our area. When i used to cut hay they would follow for the rodents.

For the record on rabies though, i don't believe they are notorius carriers, and oppossums very rarely carry rabies possibly because they have a lower body temp not condusive to the rabies virus.

I believe ornery people are more apt to hurt you then most wildlife!!

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