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Hi, Penelope,

I really like Soft & Bright (Made by Warm Company) it is a polyester that looks fabulous quilted up. Also Warm & Natural (made by same company) it is a cotton batt. but I prefer the Quilter's Dream cotton deluxe. JoAnn doesn't sell Quilter's Dream, but you can get Soft & Bright and Warm & Natural at JoAnn. I have tried Warm Blend (made by Warm Company) and it's a cotton/poly blend. It is pretty good, too. With the coupon you can't beat it. My favorite batting is QD cotton or Hobbs wool. It's scrumptious.

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Until you get set up in business with your Fed Tax ID's so that you can purchase your battings wholesale. The JoAnn's coupon is just about your best bet.

Which flavors do I like.... I do use the Warm and Natual only because I do use the coupon. Haven't tried the Soft and Bright, but do have a quilt coming up soon so will give that a try... My much preferred is Hobbs Wool, or Dream Wool, and Heidi has recently turned me on to Dream Poly...that also is like quilting with butter.

I have currently one the frame a batting from Fairfield...their Machine 60/40 blend....and can't say I'm wild about it...it is quilting up nicely, but will have to see what its like after its been washed. It reminds me of the stuff we use to get at WalMart...their Creat-A-Craft.

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I was just at the International Quilt Market here in Pittsburgh last weekend. I ordered Dream 70/30 cotton batting in 120 wide width. Some of the other companies don't offer shipping on a single roll 25 yards of any batting at 120 inch wide. Not sure why they do this. I've been a Hobbs 80\\20 fan for most of my quilts because it's easy to order in any size except the 120. After talking to a rep from the Mountain Mist company, they are going to send me a sample of their Rose and Gold batting to try. I've never seen this batting in our area, so I'm looking forward to trying it. After working with cotton alot, I'm just not a poly fan any longer. I have my customers bring the batting they wish to use, because there are so many choices out there, but I also carry at least two kinds for them to pick from if they don't want to buy it on their own.

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I've been using Hobbs for years...especially like their Tuscany wool. Now that HD has left Hobb's and gone to work for Pellon, apparently they'll be coming out with a complete line of batting soon. I have a question for you Quilters Dream cotton users...I ordered a roll of the middle weight cotton batting but it was much too thin for my liking. I had to double it to get any loft in the quilting. Would I be better off trying their polyester batt? Nancy in Tucson

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I took a class from Sue Patten at HMQS and she told us that there is a chemical being added to wool that causes it to have a memory. She showed us a quilt with permanent creases in it. Has anyone else had this experience? I was just about to order a roll of QD Wool...

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My suggestion would be to buy a small amount of each batting mentioned and do your own experiment. Certainly you are going to be PPP when you get your machine. Using the same fabric top and bottom, try different battings from different manufacturers, finish them, wash them, dry them various ways, and see what you like best. Ask your quilty friends to show you their quilts that have a few miles on them and ask what batting they used. Maybe if you're preparing for a business, maybe you could poll prospective customers about what batting they like.

There are so many different types offered now, it's a matter of personal choice, OR your pocket book, OR what's available in your area.

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Tracey...Do you have an account with Quiltsource? I've been using their bamboo with great success. I can't remember where you said Little Britain is, but I seem to think you might be close enough to actually p/u from quiltsource and maybe save on shipping.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After using many different brands of batting as a new long arm quilter , I found that Hobbs 80/20 and Hobbs 100%cotton w/ scrim( soft and drapable without stretching) were the best batts for me. They quilt easily w/o the drag on the needle I experienced with the Warm products. Polyester batting available in the box stores reminded me of coat lining, rough on the needle and thread while quilting. When I discovered Hobbs polydown I was amazed at the fine soft texture! To make a long story short, I decided to become a Hobbs distributor so their great products would always be available for long armers in the mid west.They are made in America from American fibers. I use their 80/20 for most quilts but also carry all their roll batting. The wool is like quilting through butter. I am located in Overland Park, KS . We sell retail and wholesale rolls, packages and the Tuscany line. Shipping is available. I would be happy to answer any questions about Hobbs batting and/or our services. You can find our price list for rolls at www.quiltedmemoriesllc.com/hhb.

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I'm a fan of warm and natural and warm bond. Unfortunately they have just gone up a lot over here so I am back to hunting around. I love the feel of the bamboo but the one I have isn't terribly thick. I think double thickness I would love it, but boy that would be pricey.

Yes I am sorry my wadding choice is usually determined by price, nothing else. Although I do avoid the really cheap poly except for charity quilts.


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Guest Linda S

Wool is my favorite. I'm not a fan of Warm and Natural or Warm and White at all. I suppose they are great for wallhangings, but I prefer something that shows a little more definition in the quilting. I suppose that's because I don't often use highly contrasting thread, so I'd prefer that my quilting show up some how! ;) I also use a good deal of Hobb's 80/20, but that's just because my customers ask for it.


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