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Prayers for our Bonnie B--brother-in-law

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Some of you know of the health problems faced by Bonnie's BIL Jess. He is out here in Washington State and is in crisis now. Please pray for an easy passage for him and strength for Gene as his brother slips away. Bonnie is very busy now, so I hope she doesn't mind that I ask for prayers for her and the family. Thanks to all.

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Thank you Linda....its now with sad heart to let you know that Jess did pass today at 5:40pm Pacific Time....Gene and and I are thankful for your prayers and do appreciate all.

Gene is just now at almost midnight turning in and I will be driving him to Albany to take a flight out in the morning to start whatever he is now needed to do. I'm sure that I will be joining him this week and the furneral will be sometime this week.

Jess has been fighting Pancreatic Cancer for just under 15 months and he was doing really well, but today while at home he stopped breathing and his heart stopped...there happened to be a co-worker there and he was able to rush him to the hospital and they did revive him, but they weren't able to save him.... He went very peacefully home and will be missed by his two brothers, mother and extended family.

Thank you for again for your kind words...it will mean alot to Gene as I will pass them to him.

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