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Best Christmas song I've heard for a long time

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Lynn I am sorry that you were offended and anyone else that were, by the Song here or the comments made by myself or others. It was not my intentions and I am sure it was not the intentions of others.

I myself as a Christian I am offended by what has happened to a Christian Holiday; a Holiday that was derived from our beliefs of the birth of Christ. It was a Holiday meant to celebrate his Birth. Over the years the symbolic of this Holiday has became so commercialized by and for business’ to make money. And it seems the meaning of this Holiday has been lost for the sake of profits. Now it is Politically incorrect for me as a Christian to say Merry Christmas and saying Merry Christmas is offensive. Words cannot express how that make me feel. That is what I was expressing in my earlier comment.

This is America and in America there are many cultures and many beliefs. It is the land of Freedom and the Freedom to choose what we believe in. I personally would never disgrace anyone’s beliefs or any Holiday/Celebration of their beliefs. I as a Christian I feel that the Holiday/Celebration of my beliefs has/is been/being disgraced.

Religion and Beliefs aside, as Americans how would you feel if the “4-of-July/Independence Day was commercialized to the point that Christmas has? And the meaning of this Holiday was lost along with the memory of all the Men & Women who fought and died for our Freedom.

I am sorry if any of my comments here offended anyone; I am just ranting and stating my feelings.

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I love this song and as my husband put on our sign "Merry Christmas and for those I offend! Bah-hum-bug". When I worked for our local bank I was told that I couldn't say Merry Christmas, I had to say Happy Holidays and I asked why? I was told that I might offend someone, well I told them that I was offended because I couldn't say Merry Christmas, so therefore I was allowed to say it so that I didn't offend myself. Bizarre.

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As a non-Christian, I am not offended if someone says "Merry Christmas." Neither am I offended if someone says "Happy Holidays" as I consider it shorthand for "A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year."

What is offensive is the anger of the song...which at one point says something to the effect that "his" country is Christian so non-Christians can just get over it. This isn't a very constructive attitude, no matter who expresses it, in a county in which George Washington (who was in a unique position to know) stated that the nation would give to "bigotry no quarter" and that it was not by the tolerance of one group that another group enjoyed its religious freedom. (He was addressing a group of Jewish people. Did you know there were 20 Jewish officers in the Revolutionary War?)

Now, maybe you all hear something different than I do when I listen to the song. But I will tell you that my impression of Christianity is not helped by this type of thing. While it starts out saying we should all just get along and be one American family with differences, the message changes to one of condemnation of those with non-Christian beliefs.

A lot is made of "political correctness" in a negative light. To me, it is just plain good manners to try your best not to offend those who may have different beliefs. I do not take this to mean that I must give up my own beliefs. Let me ask you...if this were not cloaked in the anonymity of the internet, would you feel comfortable forwarding this song to a Buddhist friend or a Jewish friend?

As to the commercialization of Christmas, yes, it has been...as has the Fourth of July (firecrackers, T-shirts, sporting events, community barbeques, decorations for your homes, etc.) Did you know that the celebration of Christmas was against the law in the colonies? Why? Because it was considered a pagan holiday. Christmas trees were also illegal in all but one colony. Why? Because the Bible specifically says they are pagan.

I personally feel that the celebration of Christmas (or any other holiday) is in the heart of the celebrant. If you choose to honor Christ in your celebration, nobody is stopping you. If a commercial enterprise instructs its employees to say "Happy Holidays" in order to be more inclusive, I would expect it is a business decision and is aimed more at maximizing profits than stifling Christianity. There are no social police insisting on "Happy Holidays."

You are all entitled to your opinion, of course. But, every time I hear this type of thing being applauded. my opinion of Chritianity goes down another notch. I fear the greatest threat to Christianity is not those who are non-Christian, but those who feel they are.

Just something for you to think about.

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Thank you for sharing, I loved the song.

Lynn - I'm sorry that this song has further distanced you from Christ. I don't think that was the intent at all. I think the song came about because over the years it has become politically incorrect to use the term Christmas. Liam is right that this was a day of celebration and remembrance. I am proud to be a Christian and I don't hold it against those that are not. Of course as a Christian I hope that everybody is able to find Christ in their hearts and to find salvation but it is their choice and not somthing that I would want to beat them up about. Personally I didn't find the song to be angry but I appreciate you pointing out your view. I am offended when people say we are having a Holiday Party or Happy Holidays. I know we were told at work that we couldn't say Merry Christmast because it wasn't politically correct. I say pooh on that. I always do my holiday baking and bring in lots to share and always say Merry Christmas because it is important to me. I want to rejoice in the meaning of Christmas and share with others that I believe in Christmas and its meaning. I think that is what these guys were trying to say.

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