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I'm so excited I might bust! - sneak peak added!

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I am finalizing my design for my latest quilt. It will have some applique insets in it that I can color on. It is supposed to be published in Irena Bloom's next book. Of course my designing is more detailed than I thought it would get but that is no surprise! I have the main body of the quilt designed and last night did the design that will be in the background. It is a feather design that I designed all by myself and I have to say I'm beyond thrilled with it! It will take me a good week to get the design transferred to the fabric and then on the frame for the trapunto part. I was hoping to get it in MQX but not sure I'll have enough done to submit it by the 15th! Why is the deadline so early! The quilt has to be done by the end of Feb. so I really have to haul butt as they say! I just have to transfer by background design onto my master and then I can finally mark the fabric. Off to the store to find more fabric because of course I ended up making it bigger than I originally planned and now I don't have enough fabric unless I do a lot of piecing on the last piece. That wouldn't look good. It will be navy blue with white insets. I'm going to use silver metallic on the main design and navy blue in the background. I am so excited about the design that I just had to tell somebody or I might bust. I think hubby is tired of listening to me about it! LOL he even stayed up until midnight giving me his 2 cents worth of advice on the design!

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Congratulations, Heidi! I bet you make your deadlines. Would it have to be professionally photographed for Irena's book before it goes to MQX? Not quite sure how these things work. So we'll only see you on the forum during work until you git r done, right? ;) Can't wait to see your creation.

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Thanks for the support girls! Shana I sure hope you're right! I'm trying. I have to mark the background in the master and then it will be ready to transfer on the fabric. I just went and got a whole piece for the top so now I won't have to waste time piecing it! I think I'm most excited about this quilt out of all of the ones I've done so far. I got the main design idea from Dover Illustrations copywrite free designs. I didn't copy it exactly either...why would I do that? LOL never anything easy for me. I had to re-draft it a 2nd time because the original was not square either. The border is from a millwork design book. I'm going to use the quiltazoid on this one too for some of the designs. Then I'm going to color those in. I don't know if I'll give a sneakpeak yet...I might not be able to wait!

Nita - Madie is doing very well. Thanks for asking. I've had her almost 2 weeks now! I'm going to be taking her home soon. I will so miss her. I asked her Dad if we could just keep her and they could come visit. We just love her so much. I got her lacing cards and she does really well! Her fine motor skills are top notch just like her vocabulary. Her new word for the week is hippopotamus and she says it perfectly! Oh and we have managed to potty train her too. She even wears big girl panties to bed and stays dry!!!! Yippee!!!!! Love her to death.

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Originally posted by hmerrill

.....Madie is doing very well. I've had her almost 2 weeks now!I asked her Dad if we could just keep her and they could come visit..

ROFLOL! :P That's cute.

Originally posted by hmerrill

....Her new word for the week is hippopotamus and she says it perfectly! Oh and we have managed to potty train her too. She even wears big girl panties to bed and stays dry!!!!

Oh you and your DH are a real blessing to this baby. You warm my heart, Heidi. Love you girl!!! xoxoxoxo


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Heidi, I too have been wondering how Maddie is doing. I'm so glad you talked about her here. My goodness, she's doing sooo well!

I wish you lots of love and joy making this new quilt. I am anxious to see it, like everyone else. I have seen your work published before in one of Irena Bluhm's books. So Gorgeous! And I just love Irena's style both in her quilts and her spirit.

Where on earth do you find fabric for wholecloths. Here in Canada I have a real difficult time finding fabric that I don't have to piece. Do you have a source on-line?

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[quote Want to potty train my son? It is so cold here...he refuses to sit on a cold potty. :D

NO! He is a boy and let me tell you my son was not easy to potty train! I think it took him 2 years!!!!! My daughter only took a day. Madie was a little harder but I think now she has it down. I put a pull-up on her the other night after wearing big girl panties and she said it was yucky. It bunched up between her legs and she didn't like it. I bought her some new panties to take to mommys house just so I could reinforce the issue. I cried when I dropped her off today. She is just so precious. Her mom thanked me for bringing her back...I told her it wasn't easy and I wasn't lying! Love that girl! She is like a sponge. For 2 1/2 her vocabulary is awesome.

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Where on earth do you find fabric for wholecloths. Here in Canada I have a real difficult time finding fabric that I don't have to piece. Do you have a source on-line?

Normally I can find 108" wide at most of our local quilt stores. I am picky about it though because it tends to be thinner. The one I found today was Roclon. I would have liked it to be a little thicker but it was the right color and I don't have time to really shop around. Christian Lane has some beautiful wide backs. I'm going to order a light blue for the back from them.

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