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Calling Ontario (Canadian) LAs

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I've noticed several members on this forum that hail from Ontario and I thought it would be nice to introduce ourselves.

I'm in Aurora (just north of Toronto) and while I've had my Millenium for almost three years, I've just now been able to adjust work/space schedules to accommodate some practicing, which I'm looking forward to. Now, I just need some time to go through all the immensely helpful tips on this forum!

I'll look forward to hearing from fellow LAers and Ontarians.


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Hi Carolyn....

I wonder if we met in Burlington in 2008 at Karen McT's class??? I can hardly remember everyone's faces and names from then since my brain was on overload from too much learning crammed into 2 days!!! Hmmm, maybe we even went out for lunch together when I tried Thai food for the first time??? Not sure, but this is kinda ringing a bell.

I'm about 45 minutes south of Hamilton near the shores of Lake Erie. Maybe I can meet some of you in June at our quilt show here in Hagersville? It's a small show compared to some but we will have Sue Patten as our featured artist this year!

Hmmm, wonder if anyone is going to any of the local shows this spring? We could walk right by each other and not even know it! I've heard that Etobicoke is having their's but I don't think I'll get to that one. I wouldn't mind going to the one in St. Mary's...went to that one years ago and it was very nice. In May, there will be a nice show in Vittoria, near Simcoe. I'll be at that one so if any of you will be there, let me know and maybe we can meet up!

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Hi Everyone,

I'm originally from Alberta but have lived in the Northwest Territories for 39 years and love it...but plan on moving back to Alberta in a couple years.

Matt, I watched your videos on loading a quilt this morning....love your method. I've always gone around to the back to pin the backing on but will now try from the front like you do. I couldn't resist watching your bread nad cinnomon videos..wow, you leave the dough really sticky! Mine is always very stiff but am going to leave it sticky next time to see the results. Why do you leave it so sticky...is the bread softer when baked?


Hay River, Northwest Territories, Canada

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Hi! to everyone from the capital of our great country. Actually just outside Ottawa, near the village of Kinburn.

Have had my LA since July. Now if I could just get my boss in the private sector to "prorogue" my day job, life would be pretty near perfect.


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Hey Girls, (and Guy!!) I'm in Little Britain, Ontario. That is about 11/2 hours north east of Toronto. South West of Lindsay and straight north of Oshawa. I wish we were closer. It would be good to have somewhere where we could actually meet. Like a guild but for long armers!!!

Sandra...when is the quilt show?? I'd like to come down for that.

We need to get Sue to do more classes.

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Hi Carolyn,

Great idea! I'm on the shores of Lake Erie in a wee town of Selkirk, and love it here. Besides longarmming, I own a Quilt Shop, teach adults & children, and am a friend of Sandra. Yes, Tracey it would be great if we could all get together.




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Here is an invitation to the Southern Ontario Longarm group.

It has been going for over 5 years.

The contact is Brenda Wells. Her email address is below.


Cheers, Michael


You are invited to a, SOLO Social

On Saturday February 27th, 2010


Jane’s In Stitches

1001 Lakeshore Road,

Niagara On The Lake, Ontario


11 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Hosted by: Jane Sandercock & Kristyn McCoy

Pot Luck Lunch at 12 Noon, or sew

Coffee, tea, pop and punch provided

RSVP Please by Feb. 22, 2010

We hope you can join us on the 27th for a fun afternoon gathering with our fellow Longarm Quilters.

There will be door prizes (so you have to come…everyone loves, loves, loves, door prizes!) and a loonie table selling used but useful patterns, fabric and books. If you have something that you would like to sell, put your price on it and bring it along.

The house will be filled with so much talent you won’t believe it, so bring along any quilts tops that you might need ideas on or inspiration on before you quilt. If you have something to demo we can fire up the Gammill and away you go!

Of course please don’t forget your Show and Tell.

See you soon,

Jane and Kristyn

P.S. Please extend this invitation to anyone that we may have missed or also to anyone who might enjoy this meeting of the longarmers. Wannabie’s are most welcome!

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I'm about 90 minutes east of Vancouver, BC, in the small city of Chilliwack. Apparently that's an Indian name for "meeting of the 5 corners", which you understand when you drive "downtown". :)

This is farming country; mostly cows, chickens, corn and blueberries. The Rocky Mountains are a 30 minute drive east and look beautiful from my front door. We are only 15 minutes from Cultus Lake, a very popular recreational area. We're also famous for our Airport restaurant where pilots fly in from all over just for the pie!

For the next month we will avoid Vancouver! The Olympics do strange things to the normal workings of a city. :o

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My daughter is going to school in London at Western so I've gotten to know my way around there a bit. Also spent a few days at University Hospital when my husband was sick. We were there for 4 days to see if he was a candidate for a transplant. What a great hospital and the transplant people were awesome.

My daughter is staying in a house off Wonderland....I'll probably be making the trip there next week to bring her home for reading week...hope the weather holds out since I know you get more snow over your way than here.

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Good timing: thanks, Michael, for the information regarding the LA meeting on the 27th.

Tracey, are you planning on going to the meeting? If you want to meet in Aurora, we could drive down together along with anyone else in our general area.


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Hello Caroline

I have lived in North Bay and Wawa Ontario and trucked in and out of Toronto, Burlington and Ottawa more than I want to count.

I currently live on 12 beautiful peaceful acres in north western Saskatchewan with my Hubby and 4 dogs. Life is quiet and good. I have been long arming since April 2007 and have a considerable customer base (minus the one with the smelly Quilt). I would so love to get together with some others to exchange ideas, tips and show each other what we can do or have learned. I think it would be so fun!

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