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What's one of the scariest things in the world

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Awww no worries! Your quilts will be just fine. Remember now, many many huge big time award winning quilts live most of their lives traveling in a box around the world going to various shows and I think it is on the extreme rare chance that anything is ever lost. Plus multi million gazillion bazillion dollars worth of stuff is shipped around the world daily and about 99.999999999999% of the time all is just fine. :) It's OK.

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Yikes!! I was talking to Claudia a couple of weeks ago....she has to ship her quilt to MQS - I think this is a first, usually she hand delivers....not this time. I just can't imagine what it would feel like to watch some stranger walk away with my quilt...or quilts...

Good luck at the show!

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Heidi I am so proud of you. Your quilts are absolutely beautiful (I've seen them in person and they are stunning). You try your best. You do your best. You put your quilts in the shows. And oh so exciting...yes, there is a chance it could win a ribbon!:) But, I think most importatnly is the attitude about the entire thing, the event, the entire process! Only so many people can get 1st place (last time I checked only one person can win a 1st) so not about winning a ribbon, it's all about this: That you did it, that you did your best, that you put it in a box, that you are hanging it in a show where all of your peers will see it and appreciate it. And it is very exciting to know the possibility that You might win a ribbon :) (and I hope you do!!!) but ya know...it's not about winning a ribbon...it's about participating. It's all good. If you win a ribbon that's even more icing on the cake. If you don't win a ribbon, it's still gorgeous; it's still a "winner" and your best work and you should always be proud of that. :) I am so proud of everyone who partiicpates in these shows. That is what it's all about. It's all good. Love you girl!!! Keep up the great work. Shana

PS: I read some magazine interview a while back about a quilt artist that said that quilt shows challenge us; give us deadlines to meet. She said if she didn't have these challenges and shows and deadlines, she would never get anything finished; never get anything entered. That's the attitude! :)

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Originally posted by quiltmonkey

PS: I read some magazine interview a while back about a quilt artist that said that quilt shows challenge us; give us deadlines to meet. She said if she didn't have these challenges and shows and deadlines, she would never get anything finished; never get anything entered. That's the attitude! :)

Words of wisdom to be sure!! Heidi your work is truely admirable and your courage inspiring. You can bet alot of us will be living vicariously through you as you "put it all out there" at MQS the best of luck to you!!!

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Heidi! Fingers crossed!! Im sure they will arrive safely and will be wearing "blue" when you see them next! I also would hope for a purple ribbon too (if that 's the color of the "best of show")


and lots of love! -b

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I just know they will arrive safe and sound!! And the best part of it all is that I get to see them in person!!!!!! Too exciting!!!! I have been admiring your work from the time I began on this forum so it is really fantastic that I will get to see your work up close and in 3D.

Your nerves will settle down as soon as your tracking number confirmes that the quilts arrived safe and sound then you will be able to enjoy the trip to MQX yourself. Can't wait to finally get to meet you! Take care,


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