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NQR - Prayer Request - Long

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I haven't been on a lot in the last few months. Had a lot on my plate, to the point that I've been having panic attacks. I'm not a panicky type person at all, so it's been rough to not be able to control it! Anyway, after one attack I ended up in the hopital a couple of weeks ago. I (and everyone else) thought I was having a heart attack. They ran every test in the book on me and there is nothing wrong with my heart... however, I do have a subclavial blockage in my cartoid artery in my chest. I have no syptoms, even though the ultrasound shows it's completely blocked. I went to the Vascular Surgeon who is very reassuring. He poked meright below the collarbone and told me "You have a blockage right there". I had laugh, and resist poking him back ala Facebook!

I have schedule the angioplasty for 9/13th. Not worried about that. Here's the deal, I had taken off work the 9th & 10th to finish packing and cleaning since my mother and I are moving in together again. Now I have the pre-op on the 9th, moving 10th, 11th, 12th, and angioplasty on the 13th. Mom & I are not going to be much help in the moving, neither of us is in the physical shape to do much od the work, so we just stand around and point, remind everyone to be careful, don't try to carry that by yourself, lift with your legs, and out that there. Family members are coming to handle it for us. I just need prayers to get through all this at one time and not freak out in the middle of it. I have very little warning for these panic attacks and I hope when all this settles down they'll stop. TIA!

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i'm praying, kenna. you can handle it - i know you can.

i find that a walk in the morning, before the day starts, helps to calm my nerves. 30 minutes all alone, with my favorite tunes on the ipod, really does it for me. my dog loves it, too!

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You do have two big things happening back to back, however, like you said, one day at a time. Actually, moment by moment thinking might work better. There's no need to think about, worry about, the afternoon while its morning. Just stick with morning. Time will go by and it will all get done and worrying won't help one bit. Not one bit. You can get through this "adventure". You CAN. You'll be fine, you'll see.


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Good luck with the move. My husband says everyone should have to move every 5 years just to clean out all the "junk" we acquire in our homes that we don't need. Easy for him to say as he has never helped with the sorting/packing and we have only moved once in 22 years.

Glad to hear you have family and friends helping with the hard work. How wonderful to move in with your mother and getting to spend so much time together. My mother is one of my best friends and a joy to be around. My parents only live a couple of miles away so we see them often and talk daily.

Good luck with your surgery. Maybe your panic attacks are a blessing in disguise as you found the blockage without having to have anything serious/debilitating happen first.

My prayers are with you.

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I too have dealt with panic attacks, I was at the wrong end of a bank robbery several years ago and I think that had more of an affect on me than I would have thought. I also did the ER visit thinking that I was having a heart attack. I have found that morning walks with a friend to talk to, lots of prayer, and positive thinking has done alot to help me!

It definately was a blessing to find out about your blockage before it caused a problem. Always better to take care of these things early on! And, and a big AND, it is great that you will be able to spend time with your mom, I lost mine 23 years ago and cherish those last 6 mos I spent with her when she had cancer. True, moving is a alot of work and can be a big stress, but it will all get done...things will eventually get put away, just take care of yourself and get enough rest!

I'll be praying for you!

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Guest Linda S

Prayers are on the way. Any chance they can give you something for the panic attacks? I had a scare with chest pains and heart flutters a few years back (living with a horrible man) and they thought I was having a heart attack also. I've had a prescription for Xanax (alprazolam) every since. They are just 5mg tablets and I always break them in half because they make me sleepy, but they really stop that anxiety. You might ask the doc if it would be okay to have a few of those on hand.


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Girl, that panic attach has saved your life. They wouldn't have found that problem had you not had the attach! Thank goodness for that!!! You will feel so much better after the proceedure is over and you will love how clean everything will be in your new environment! Clean closets and All!!!! I will remember you in my prayers and think of you often. BTW I used to have panic attacks and I still keep the meds in case I have one. The good thing is they can't kill you and you finally get past it! Love you, girl!

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I know what stress can do to your body, but as Sylvia said, the panic attacks have saved your bacon, girl. Just take it one step at a time, and so that you can keep from worrying too much, carry around a pad and pencil to write down things that you don't want to forget when the thought pops up. For me, I get too many "I can't forget ___'s " in my brain and then I start to panic. But if you write them down on the pad, you won't forget them cause they are right there. Lists are wonderful for me, and it might help you too. My sister-in-law taught me about lists cause she makes lists of her lists! :D And I will be praying for you. For peace in the midst of all that is going on around you. Blessings to you.

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You know, I love that just when you think you're the only one that is having panic attacks or stress or depression, or whatever, you get on here and find out you're not the only one!! My dd was having marriage problems back a while ago and I sent her Shannon's (Doodlebugs) thread with all the support and soul bearing replies and I can't tell you all how many times she has thanked me for sending her that and to read that other people had been there and stuck it out gave her a lot of encouragement and support. Thanks for being there.


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You are in my thoughts and prayers. I have had panic attacks in the past and they are no fun. Everyone here gives good advice...find an outlet for the stress. I find that reading helps me keep my mind off of worries and it gives me time to myself. Walking, gardening, whatever helps you find that balance again. So good that the docs found that blockage. Best of luck in your move and the surgery. Sunny days are in your future!

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Thanks everyone! I love each and everyone of you! I do have a med that my GP gace me that day in the Hospital. Serax, it's so strong I can only take it at night, so it keeps me from waking in gthe middle of the night with thatfeeling. I can't take it during the dau, tho, unless I break a capsule open and take half of it and tehn stick it back together again. They had given me Cymbalta in May for depression, but it made me stupid happy. NO ONE is that happy! Gotta see about smaller doses, or something else maybe. Maybe I can get past all this and just be me again. Quilting has always been my therapy, gotta get my machine, I need therapy! I'd rather spend it on a machine than pills and therapists!:D

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I have two different Panic meds that work and I can stay awake and function perfectly. (I have to take them to go to the eye doc or the dentist too). One bottle of meds has lasted me about 7 years. Really, I ask my doc if I should throw them out and he said, nope they'll still work. Now, you are right on about getting that machine! The sooner the better. ;) You just get well!

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You do have a lot going on but remember who is in control. I am certain God allowed those panic attacks to get you diagnosed and I am certain He will carry you through the surgery and the move. Brighter days are ahead. I am praying for a successful surgery and an easy move and then for you to get back to quilting!!!

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