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NQR: Kenna UPDATE 12/24

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She's back in the hospital. Went in Thurs. so they could insert a drain. So far so good til yesterday. White count up, infection at incision site. Added THIRD antibioic to her IV.

Long story short, they are prepping her for emergency surgery this evening. I'll keep you updated as I find out more.

Weird discussing her colon with strangers :D Prayers appreciated.



I've been keeping updated thru our little sister. I feel badly for not calling, but she needs her rest.

Okay, section was very inflamed so it took a while. Apparently either the RA or the meds for it have interfered in the whole problem. I am guessing the RA itself as it is an inflammation. She will have to have a bag for about six months so they can give it time to heal and calm down. I know she's not happy about that and I have NO idea what that will do to working. Anyone know?

She was in TCU for 2 days (step down from ICU) but is back in a private room tonight (apparently her roomie was something else...lots of guests, etc.) Hopefully she can go home sometime next week and her daughter will come down for a bit to help the initial at home.

Mom has been resting while Kenna is in the hospital so she's back up to par. We could really use prayers about the job/money situation. I figure you know what an 'interesting' place it is where she works. And if anyone has personal experience with SSDI or anything like that...I'd appreciate any help. I plan to spend next week looking for any sort of aid they can get, and how soon I can get Kenny over onto it. Work has been a huge trigger for the RA and probably been a cause of her current problems. But that is just my little ol' opinion.

Thanks for all your prayers and support. I'm sure that she'll log on again when she has the energy. In the meantime, I'll try to do better about updates. I work part time as a scheduler for a mobile pet groomer (trust me, it is strictly a labor of love when I assist with grooming--I'm Head Weinie Washer as there is NO money in it for me) so I've been gone a good bit of the week.

Merry Christmas to you all and I'll leave you with a pic of my little sweetie with his jaunty neckerchief!


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