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NQR Wedding prep mini-rant

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I can't rant on Facebook, 'cause my son might see it - I can't rant to my DH, 'cause he's already shouldering a ton for this event, so I've come here to my quilty friends to rant just a little as we ramp up for our son's wedding. No responses needed - just feels good to vent a little!:)

Less than three weeks ago, my son asked me to come up with decoration ideas for his outdoor wedding, coming up on August 13th (yes, that's only two weeks from today!). Got lots of good ideas here and I think that's well under control, except one small detail: he said they were going to rent columns to put along two sides of their yard, even told me where they were getting them. We have talked about how many columns they should rent and what kind of spacing between them. Well, this morning, he called and said, "Have you arranged for the columns?" Hmmm, didn't know that was MY responsibility!:mad: So I called the rental place and arranged for the columns - good thing they were still available.....

Then just over a week ago, son called and said, we think we need to have programs for the ceremony (her family is Persian and there will be a Persian wedding ceremony midst the traditional, so we need to explain it to the non-Persians in attendance). That's fine, I've spent many years doing desktop publishing, I can whip out a program with the best of them AND on a budget AND with no lead time......:( It gets better: son expects it to be warm the day of the wedding (who is he kidding? Seattle? Warm? I don't think so....) so he would like the programs to do double duty as FANS! So momma got online and looked at custom-printed fans, priced fan handles, et cetera, et cetera. Finally convinced son that a paper program was better for his budget and could double as a fan. Spent hours at various print shops and paper suppliers looking for just the right paper and found one that met his requirements - yay! cross something off the list. But, no - son called a little while ago, wants it NOT to look like a church bulletin, so could we please do it on cardstock, 6x9 inches. something like that? "I'm not picky, momma." Yeah, right!:o Back to the drawing board on that one.....

And this morning my dear MIL called: she's making the wedding cake (and cupcakes) and needed some help with a platter - and a couple of cupcake trees - and, and, and, and.....

In the midst of all the wedding prep, we are also trying to spruce up our own home, in preparation for a reception here, two weeks after the wedding. And my quilt guild's annual Quilt Show is next Saturday.

I know I could say "no" to the various things my son is asking of me, but we can't give them money, just our time and energy. And I want their "big day" to be everything they want it to be (within reason), so I will continue to nod and smile and say "yes." It helps to have a safe place to vent. Thank you, ladies!:P I feel better already!

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He couldn't have picked a better mother!:P Hang in there!

And I suspect he has perused too many wedding magazines and blogs to have come up with the "fan" idea. Tell him that two months from now the guests will remember only the beautiful high-points of the ceremonies and no one will muse--"Hey, too bad these programs weren't in the shape of a fan."

Now umbrellas in Seattle--that might be more practical!:P

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Once it is over they will have such great memories and a large part of it will be because his parents so willingly gave of their time and energy. Rant to us all you want! We all know you will go right on doing whatever needs to be done to make this a special day. (hugs) :)

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Sounds like you have a lot on your plate my dear. My daughter had a beautiful wedding in Snohomish. We went to JoAnn's and bought a white roll of plastic that went down the isle. She made her own decorations with plain clear vases (from Craigs List) and filled them with pears, coffee beans and twigs. Sounds funny but it really was beautiful and very organic. We also decorated with Chinese Lanterns and lots of ivy. Simple but elegant. She bought her flowers the morning of the wedding and she and her bridesmaids made all of the bouquets and boutineers (sp?) She bought them at Pikes Market in Seattle. We were lucky enough to not have rain that day. It poured the next morning. Best of luck and just relax. This to shall pass. Just sit back and know you have done all you can to help them make their day as perfect as humanly possible. I wish people would put as much work and effort in their marriages as they do for the day of the wedding.

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Originally posted by ffq-lar

And I suspect he has perused too many wedding magazines and blogs to have come up with the "fan" idea. Tell him that two months from now the guests will remember only the beautiful high-points of the ceremonies and no one will muse--"Hey, too bad these programs weren't in the shape of a fan."

Now umbrellas in Seattle--that might be more practical!:P

No wedding blogs or magazines - not MY son!! Besides, the happy-to-be couple are working their a**** off, getting their home (and yard) ready for the wedding-palooza. My DH has been there since July 14, working on their to-do list: today is "build the waterfalls" day - yes, they are putting waterfalls in, both back yard and front yard. My poor hubby is helping haul HEAVY chunks of slate - says he's "too old for this sh**!" :( Lucky for him, he gets to come home on Monday and rest - well, except for his own work and the list I have for him around here.....;)

And I didn't mention that all the things I have to accomplish, have to be ready by next weekend, 'cause we load up two cars and head back over to Auburn early on Monday morning - yup, we've got more work to do there, cooking, cleaning, decorating - and whatever they come up with in the next few days.

Our son DID mention something about placecards in his call this morning - was I supposed to do that?????:(

Thank you, ladies, for the hugs and encouragement - I know it's all gonna turn out fine, especially if I don't "go postal" on my hubby, my son and his bride! That's where venting here helps.

At least I didn't have to worry about making them a wedding quilt - they say they aren't "quilty people.":(:(:( I may have to adopt.....

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OK something to add to the list but you'll thank me! Chocolate and lots of it!!!!! Oh and maybe some wine or margarta's to go with that. Have a handful of chocolate and a magarita or two and you'll feel a whole lot better! I'm sure you can get it done and I know you will enjoy the day but it is stressful in the meantime I'm sure!

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Ooooh, chocolate and alcohol - such a wonderful (and deadly) combination!!:P Had my share of chocolate at Strip Poker last night at the local quilt shop. Good thing my dress for the wedding doesn't fit tight.....

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Oh Barb, vent away anytime! Hope it makes you feel better for sure. Our wedding last weekend was fairly stress free as it was a 2nd wedding for both and they wanted it to be nice but carefree so it was just family and then out to dinner. Quick, beautiful and stressfree, sure hope you take time to breathe!

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Hang in there -- it will all be worth it ;), on their big day when their happiness radiates through. Someday they will understand and appreciate you and hubby even more.

Had two weddings in one year. . . been there done that (we have 3 wonderful girls, oops women,) and my youngest, unmarried daughter of the three has always said, 'simple, simple but elegant, Mom so you can enjoy the day.

BUT what I really want to know is how to play STRIP POKER at the quilt shop!!!!!!! :P;):P;)

Joanne Flamand

Artistic Quilt Design


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Originally posted by Wannabelongarm

BUT what I really want to know is how to play STRIP POKER at the quilt shop!!!!!!! :P;):P;)

Joanne Flamand

Artistic Quilt Design


Joanne, it's simple: bring chocolate, pick out jelly roll strips from a pile provided by the Quilt Shop (for a buy-in of $10), then deal them cards! I only bought in once (some bought in twice or three times as they tapped out), but I think I was the big winner - 50+ strips! Got enough to make me one of them fancy "Jelly Roll 1600 quilts," I reckon.;)

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Originally posted by Farmland Quilter

Dear Barb, there are always 2 extremes. My youngest daughter thought she was being kind and she and a friend planned it all. I barely got in on helping select her dress. I was so looking forward to being a part of her day but ended up feeling more like a guest.

Cheryl, you can come help us! There's more than enough to do for an army of helpers! Seriously, I am enjoying doing what I can - but they need to stop adding tasks to my list, or we might have a problem soon.....

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Guest Linda S

Oh Barb! I don't know why young couples always have to turn weddings into a high-wire act. I've never been married, but I've decided, if I ever do it, a keg of beer and a couple of bales of hay (or some plastic chairs) in the back yard to sit on would be just fine. Complications make me nervous.

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Personally after going through one of my 3 daughters getting married, we live in VA, she got married in a gym in Alaska where there was no florist, no bakery, we had to do all of the decorating, shipping of all the silk flowers, had a friend make the cake and had to bring it out to the gym in the back of our van over a road under construction, etc...it poured rain like a hurricane, but the day will turned out beautiful! No one will even notice if everything is not just perfect, all eyes will be on the bride and groom. I am hoping that you will be able to enjoy the day too and just think about relaxing afterward!!!! Maybe your son can enlist people to return the rental things and do the clean up so you can relax! But after all is said and done, I am sure they will have a special day they and you will remember! And a special mom that helped make that special day for them!

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Wow Barb, You are so totally amazing. I am breathing for you. I am glad that you wanted to come and vent here. Now we all get to share in this amazing adventure with you. I am glad you got to go have some fun playing at the quilt shop. Now you have fun new fabric to pet. Sending you a hug and prayer.

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