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Is there an embarrassed button???!!!!!!!

Guest LA

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Thought I would share,,

I've learned in the past few weeks the necessity of wearing your glasses while at the computer!!

So far I've booked a return flight home for 6:00 AM from Disneyland rather than 6:00 PM with grumpy exhausted teens,,,,

(that didn't go over well, but we got home early! :)

Depositing funds into my teens account rather than my household account to pay bills,,, oh well my 16 yr. old thinks I am great Mom to give him such a generous allowance!

And to top it off,,,, I sent a funeral home director a heartfelt note thanking him for the care in the passing of my Father, & told him how impotent I thought he was!!!!!!!!!!!! (Important!)

I am making an appointment with my eye dr. TODAY,,, I've learned you can make some boo boo's you can live with & some that make you want to crawl in a hole,,, but I guess that's how I ROLL!!!!


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