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Need prayers please.....

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I heard late this afternoon that my mother's heart surgery is definitely happening tomorrow morning. Hard to be here (VT) when she's there (UK) but I'll be there in a couple of weeks to look after her as she recovers.

My sister starts her chemo on Friday, following the breast lump they removed 2 weeks ago. She hasn't told my mother yet - Mum would probably have insisted on cancelling her surgery...

I have a call-back appointment tomorrow morning following the routine mammogram I had last week.

Please remember us in your prayers

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Hi everyone. Thanks for your prayers and good wishes. My tests today were clear, thank God.

My mother is through the surgery and in ICU. My niece (Dr Alex - always handy to have a Dr in the family) is keeping me up to date so I don't feel quite so cut off.

I'll be heading to the UK in a week or so after taking my DD back to Savannah, GA for her last quarter at SCAD. I hope I'll be able to help my sister out as well as look after my Mum once she is home from the hospital. Don't think sis understands yet, how tiring etc her treatments will be. I've seen several friends go through chemo etc after breast cancer. She hasn't, or at least, being English, people don't discuss this so she's only now finding a few work colleagues & acquaintances who have been through it.

Thanks to all of you for being there. I now know how good it feels to know I have friends here keeping me and mine in their prayers and thoughts.

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ANne, I am so glad your tests were clear. I hope your sister can find a breast cancer group to help her. I work in a cancer center, and believe me it helps A LOT. They really seem to need to be able to talk about it with someone who knows exactly what they are going through, not just someone who by book knowledge, knows the probable things she will go through.

Still praying for you all

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