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two quilts in two days!! (long)

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Now that may not seem like much to you guys, but let me tell you the whole story.

A year ago April I bought a used Ult 1 from APQS, thinking that it would be fun to learn something about longarm quilting. It was definitely a case of "fools rush in". My years of experience doing free motion quilting on a DSM were absolutely NO HELP with the long arm. I had never used a long arm, and had no idea how to go about anything. I watched Dawn's video, and bravely set out. Some of you may remember my painful first posts. The Beast did not like me. In retrospect, it really wasn't his fault, but at the time - grrrr! I couldn't get the tension right. I didn't understand about how careful you have to be to load the backing on the straight of grain, and load everything square. Every experience was frustrating. I felt that if I could make myself keep trying I'd get better, but going out to my shed was not pleasant, so I found all kinds of reasons not to go and face the Beast again.

And then, last spring, the APQS roadshow came to Sacramento. What the heck, says I, I'll go see what these new machines are all about. Hmm. Bliss and M&M wheels and a stitch regulator, fabric advance, glide, and automatic channel locks - pretty nice. Of course, WAY too much money.....Um....well, maybe only a LITTLE too much money. What? I can keep my table and APQS will take back the Beast? A $3000 roadshow discount? Hmm.....well, I can always change my mind.....

In June I wrestled the Beast into his shipping box and sent him back to APQS. I hope someone can find it in their heart to love him. And my graceful Millie arrived to take his place. Unfortunately, I had some health issues come up that prevented me from dashing out to my shed right away, and I must admit I was still a little worried that maybe, after spending ALL THAT MONEY, that I just really wasn't cut out to be a longarm quilter.

But, I've been reading this board faithfully and have learned a lot by reading people's questions and your answers. I also bought Kim Brunner's and Myrna Ficken's Beginning Quilting DVDs. Boy did I learn a lot from watching them!

So, day before yesterday I went out to my shed, turned on the AC, got out the broom and dustpan and feather duster and cleaned up the dust and cobwebs, cleaned and oiled my Millie, and loaded on a charity quilt. What? Backing is not on the straight of grain? NO PROBLEM - shift it around until square, trim the ends. This top is not well sewn and it certainly isn't square. HAH! I know what to do. Pat, press, pin, baste.

Lay out that pantograph! Darm! It is time for dinner. Oh well, I'm tired anyway. I'll get an early start tomorrow.

Yesterday that charity quilt was finished by dinner time. It came off nice and square, no tucks in the back, good stitch quality...Wow! Maybe I really can do this!

Loaded a quilt made by a group I belong to for one of our members who recently lost her husband. Nice square flat top. Backing is square, but half batik, half a very thin cotton. Hmm. Looks like that thin cotton is going to stretch and sag. But I know what to do. Someone on this forum mentioned tucking a piece of scrap batting into the backing roller to take up the sag. Quilting away like a happy person. Uh Oh, I got careless and didn't check to make sure my laser was in the right place and one whole row was squished over the last 1/2 inch of the previous row. Frogging that row out will make me remember to make that check EVERY TIME. Finished the quilt this afternoon. Straight and flat and square. I perhaps didn't make the best choice of threads - a lavender 40 wt poly (OEASD) on top, bright yellow bottom line on the bottom. I fooled with the tension for a long time, but couldn't completely eliminate the tiny lavender dots on the back. Perhaps if I had used similar weight threads? Or had chosen a darker duller yellow that wouldn't contract so much with the lavender?

BUT: The fabric advance and channel locks are a real convenience. The stitch regulator is wonderful. If you need to stop and think, you just stop and think. You don't panic trying to remember how to shut the darn machine off. And even though I had replaced my stock wheels with ERs, the M&Ms and Bliss are phenomenal. What a pleasure!!!! I've decided her name is Amazing Grace.

Now I can hardly wait to get back out there and tackle the next one! I think I've got this pantograph thing down, and I want to begin trying some ruler work and simple custom. I have 4 more charity quilts to practice on. What a great deal! Someone else does the piecing, supplies the batting and backing, and I get to practice for free.

This is a long and very wordy way of thanking all of you on this forum. I can't tell you how much better prepared I was to begin using Amazing Grace. Not only because of my brief battles with the Beast, but because for a year and a half I have been soaking up your ideas, advice, tips, and enjoying the beautiful work that you do. Thank you all!!!

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I remember reading your first posts so I'm so happy that everything's turned out the best for you. Everything's a learning experience. I first bought an HQ16 and quickly realized it wasn't the machine for me either. We're so lucky to have such a wonderful forum and members who are willing to share their expertise with us. Next time, post pictures of those quilts.

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Amazing Grace it is for sure!! I remember your struggles! but in the end you win!! Yeah Bonnie, you have arrived, all it takes is this forum and perserverence, just remember what one quilter can do another can do as well!! Nothing is out of reach, especially when you own the best darn amazing grace machine on the market!!

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Bonnie - What a great story!:) I am in the Sacramento area. There is a group of us who get together once every other month. Some quilt for others some don't, some are new longarmers like you and I, and others have been doing so for a long time. If you'd like to get together with us let me know. Connie

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