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APQS email survey

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I just went through my morning email and there was a survey from APQS. One of the questions was, what features would you like to add or change? I recommended an audible sound to indicate bobbin is empty; powder coating the rails; making the clear table an option. I was going to add a 30 or 32in throat but then I would have to buy it:o Recommend you all take the survey and add your thoughts here. Maybe if we "gang" up on some items, APQS will grant our wishes!!!

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I mentioned the bobbin thing in the last survey. That does seem to be a big issue. I also suggested a way of threading a cone through the bobbin, as in just load it on the side of the square metal tube that you pop your bobbin case into. Easily visable.

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I suggested moving (or adding) a yellow button to the left mushroom on the back of the machine. I have to cross my eyes and hop on one foot to hold on to the top thread and do needle up or needle down from the back of the machine. A bobbin allert would be nice. I can usually make a pretty good guess how far I can quilt on a bobbin. I just don't want to spend any more on my machine. Otherwise, I'll never get it paid off. And, BTW, I still think we have the best machines on earth.

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I put: low bobbin sensor, thread break sensor (you can turn on and off --- would only be useful when doing panto's from the back), preferred stitch length that stays set when you turn off the machine. Fix the issue with the SR (hypersensitive to touch causing run on stiches -- known engineering issue), bliss table drift issue (too loose --- figured out to pull the batting out on the front pads and that has fixed it but took some time to figure that out). Ability to disengage my fabric advance and manually turn the take up roller (for minor adjustments when aligning panto's etc.).

I think I had more but can't remember.


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Well, let's see. I would love to have the quilt glide and the newer lights like on the Milli. Oh, and bliss of course. The bigger bobbin sounds good too. The low bobbin light sounds like a great idea. To have all of these things I would have to sell my Liberty and start over. Maybe someday.

Oh, a camera to see the bobbin stitching would be great too.


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I never thought to add a low bobbin sensor or tension dial numbers, those have become second nature to me. i know how many rows I get out of a pre wound bobbin and my tension dial...I just know....

My suggestions are to keep the machines just as easy to maintain and trouble shoot as they have been in the past and perhaps make the handles on the pant side of the machine a bit thinner...I am starting to get great discomfort in my left hand when i do a big quilt and a panto...have to take frequent breaks

Other than that...i am sooooo happy with my Freedom S/R!

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