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NQR prayer request for SIL - update 3

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Hi all,

I recieved some rather disturbing news just before the holidays about my SIL, Judy, in CA. Judy's ovarian cancer has reared it's ugly head again and tomorrow she has to undergo major surgery on her liver. They will be removing the lower lobe and hopefully all the cancer. There is a 1" tumor and hopefully it has not spread anywhere else. This is now I think her 5th reoccurance of the cancer. Last time it was on the outside of her liver. Please keep her and my BIL in your prayers.


Update 1 - Thanks girls! She is in surgery now, the actual surgery started 9:50 West coast time. They expect it to take 4 hours without complications. Thanks for keeping Judy in your prayers.

Update 2 - surgery is done and Judy is doing well. Very little blood loss and despite all the previous chemo her liver looked very good and the scar tissue from previous surgery was not a problem. She will be in ICU for a day or two. Thanks for all the prayers!

Update 3 - SIL got out of the hospital 1 day early! She is doing really well. We still don't know what the next step will be for her treatment but we're thankful the surgery went so well.

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Joyce and Linda - I'm so sorry that anybody has to deal with liver cancer. SIL's is not Liver cancer, rather ovarian cancer cells that have now attached to her liver. As I understand it that makes a difference and definitely will make a difference in treatment. I can't believe with all the chemo she has had that those cells survived.

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Sending prayers for your SIL. The good news about the liver is that it regenerates itself and

the portion that is cut off will grow back with healthy tissue.

Never underestimate the power of prayer. My BIL is technically in liver failure and

was supposed to leave this world last August. Our family has been praying for him

and he was actually walking around the mall at Christmas time.

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Originally posted by Anne from Guam

Sending prayers for your SIL. The good news about the liver is that it regenerates itself and

the portion that is cut off will grow back with healthy tissue.

Never underestimate the power of prayer. My BIL is technically in liver failure and

was supposed to leave this world last August. Our family has been praying for him

and he was actually walking around the mall at Christmas time.


I too thought it would regenerate but BIL says that it won't because of what they have to take. The good news is that she should be able to function without it. I just pray the cancer is contained in that half. She handles this all with such grace.

I'm glad your brother is doing well. Liver failure is no fun at all.

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