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Hi APQSers

I try to read every day and I learn sooo much from you all. I have been 'worried' that I never participate, but I have so little experience that I would not feel qualified to 'speak' on anything much (- but most of my quilts have had pieced packs and I have had no problems).

I have recently noticed that there are h.e.a.p.s of lookers at the messagers, but very few regular commenters, so don't feel nearly so bad now.

Just writing to say thanks again for all the comments and advice that you give so freely to each other. I will be game to post some questions soon, I'm sure.

I do read, I laugh at the funnies, pray for those needing, and learn something new all the time.

Maybe next time I'll learn how to make sure my text goes under the 'Anything' forum, but I don't know how to cancel or change it today!

Thanks again, Jan

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Hi Jan,

Nice to meet you, we don't mind readers but love to hear from people and love to help or share anything that may be helpful to another quilter. We were all beginners at one time and personally, I too have learned more from this forum and the wonderful generous people here! Please don't be shy and feel free to post pictures and ask any quilty questions you may have - we all learn from everyone's questions!

Again - Welcome!

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Hi Jan,

Welcome to the board, and thanks from me for the prayers.. they are always needed.

There are many who read and don't post, as you said. No worries, as a lot of the regular chatters go through silent periods due to illness of some kind, business, helping others, etc. They have reasons as we do.

Yes, there is a terrific amounts of info here.. I think all of the experienced quilters also gain info.

Anyhooo.. enjoy, and remember, you might know something we don't, and your comments may help many of us..

Stick around, kiddo, lol,, please, though, don't be shy. you may ask many questions, and sometimes just say hi, or I'll pray or that quilt is beautiful, is enough.

Oh, the Anything posting, just select it from a drop down list of topics. It should be the first thing you select. I have found out, I can't post unless I open a message to get to a Topic to post anything.

Its weird, but its the only way I know of.

Hope this helps some,

God Bless,


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Lovely to see you Jan. I agree with everything the other Ladies have written.

This is my favourite forum on the web, and the first I come to on a morning while I have my breakfast, and now again while having lunch.

We are just one large happy quilting family, so don't be scared to join in.

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Welcome Jan. I see you sign yourself as in OZ. Does that mean you are a fellow Kansan? or are you in oohing and awhing the beautiful quilts these gals post? In defense of lurkers, I too lurked for months before chirping in. I learned soooooooooooo much by reading and searching this forum. I don't always comment when someone post a beauty because two dozen people have already complemented the quilter. I'm saying it out loud, you just can't hear me. ;)

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Hi Jan

Nice to hear from you. You are right there are many readers and not so many posters. It is good to jump in once and a while so we know who you are and a little about you. Feel free to introduce yourself and tell us about you, your quilting whatever you would like to share. WELCOME

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Hello Jan,

You know, I am just like you - lurking around and everyonce in a while I might post something - but what everyone said above is so true, this is a really interesting forum - all kinds of issues and ideas and checking this page is part of my daily routine. It keeps me inspired and it is really nice to know that when things aren't going so well - tension issues, challeging clients and so on - you are not wandering in the wilderness by yourself!!

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