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Elmer and Adrenocortical carcinoma

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I want to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers and comments on Elmer's website. A special thanks to Heidi who helps me through the long nights when I need her. You are truly like family.

We found out that Elmer is in the 4th and final stage of

Adrenocortical carcinoma. It is extremely rare and violently agressive. It is too late for surgery to help him. He may try some chemo and radiation for pain control. There is one very nasty tumor that has penetrated the Vena Cava. Unless it shrinks , he won't have much longer.

I wish I could say that I'm fine but I am not. I ask that you change your prayers. Please ask for comfort for Elmer and ask that I have the strength to accept what God chooses for us. I still can't pray but I know "my back is covered".

Heidi will update you when needed......(won't you Heidi?)

Thank you and God bless you all. I feel like their is a large rock behind me holding me up and it consists of my family and friends.

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((((((Cheri)))))) I am so sorry to hear this news about Elmer. Please know I will keep both you and Elmer in my prayers, I hope you can find the strength needed to take you and Elmer through this most difficult time, and that Elmer may find peace and be free from pain.

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Cheri I absolutely will have your back! We will pray for Elmer's comfort and yours too as you go through this difficult time. I wish I could make it all go away for you but right now all I can do is be a friend so that is what I will do. Whatever you need just let me know! ((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))))) to both of you. By the way I believe prayer happens in many different ways. You are praying through us and we will hold you up my friend, just like you will me. Remember One Day at a Time!

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That rock behind you has turned into a mountain of love and strength and prayers for you and your family ,I have stayed silent but my heart has been breaking for you and Elmer ,its strange how the lord gives us the strength we never knew we had in such needed times , Queenie

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I have been following your updates through caringbridge. My heart is breaking for you but please know that I will continue to lift you and Elmer up in prayer for peace and comfort as you walk this road. We are here for you and our thoughts are with you everyday!

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I will pray for Elmer's comfort. I will pray even harder for your strength. Know that we are all here for you and Elmer. As Heidi said, "One day at a time." God will hear our prayers. You will feel the love with which those prayers are said.

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