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update on Elmer......PICTURE ADDED!!

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Hi everyone! I just wanted to update a little. All of Elmer's hair is gone and it makes me so sad. I don't mind the bald head at all but it is a constant reminder of the cancer. It was easier to pretend for a little while that everything might be ok when he still looked the same.

The Mitotane treatment is taking a toll on him. He is up to 4 pills a day now. They will keep increasing them 1 more per week until he simply can't tolerate it. He itches all over and he is having some mental confusion...common side effects of mitotane.

He starts his second round of IV chemo next Thursday and will take it for 7 days. Sometime after that they will do the scans again to see if it has made a difference. Adrenal cancer doesn't usually respond well to treatment and since he was in stage 4 when they found it ....... keep the prayers up please. I would like the family to have another Christmas together and we have a pretty good chance of that happening if the chemo is helping. Not such a good chance if it isn't helping.

I try hard to keep the caringbridge site upbeat and positive for the kids and other family members but sometimes I am not sure I will be able to survive this even if I wanted to and I am not at all sure that I want to. My first husband (of 24 years) died in my arms from cancer, and now I am watching Elmer. We will be celebrating our 15th ann. the last of October. I love him and I just don't know how I will let him go.

I'm sorry...I just needed to whine a little tonight :(

8:45 am Thursday

THANKS EVERYONE FOR THE SOFT LANDING!!!!! :):) I added a pic but it went farther down somewhere! It is Elmer Nathan and I right before he got sick.

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Thanks for the update! It is a good sign that he is bald now-it means the fast growing cells (cancer) are dying. I wish there was something to say to you to help. I lost my husband 5 years ago to cancer and I know what you are going through a little bit. I have not had any other even casual relationships since he passed. Wouldn't want to go through that again, BUT you have had another love and those years could have been empty. Do Elmer a favor and treasure life as much as he would if given the chance. You can still throw yourself a pity party now and again but go at life-many don't get the chance.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) TO YOU!!!!

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((((((Cheri))))) you and Elmer are in my prayers and thoughts and will stay there as long as you need them.

You are an amazingly strong Lady and I don't think you are whining. You need a place to come and talk and share your fears. I am glad that you can come and share this with your APQS family. Know we will always be here when you need us

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Cheri it is ok for you to whine, we all understand! Keeping you both in my prayers. If I were there I would give you a giant ((((((((((((((((((((((hug))))))))))))))))))))))))))) but we'll just have to settle for a cyber hug. Hang in there and remember try to take it one day at a time....I know how hard that can be but I find when I remind myself of that it isn't so overwhelming!

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Got you Cheri and Elmer in my prayers. Hope you feel God's arms round both of you. As Linda said this is a very soft place to land.

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Hugs to you and Elmer))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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Cheri, don't ever feel like you are whining. You are going through something no one should have to go through. More people care about you and Elmer then you know, even people who don't even know you. I pray right now that God wraps you and Elmer in His loving arms and give you peace down deep in your spirit, comfort in your soul and strength in your body in Jesus name. I will continue to pray for you and Elmer. K

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