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NQR pray request - update 7

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I've not posted anything but I believe prayer does work and I need all you prayer warriors to pray for my friends daughter! Rachael is a 16 year old who just started her senior year. While I was on vacation her mother had to take her to the ER because she was having difficulty breathing. They thought she was having an asthma attack and gave her two breathing treatments. That didn't work so they did x-rays and saw something but not sure what so they followed up with a CAT scan. At 2:30 am her parents were given the news that they found a mass and were sending her to another hospital for treatment. They admitted her by 3:30 am in the other hospital and then the tests began. They finally found out a week later that she had Hodgkins Lymphoma. The prognosis for a cure is good but the chemo is really so hard on them. It is heartbreaking to watch somebody you love hurt so. I know many of you know from first hand experience and know exactly what I mean. Please keep the Murray family in your prayers. Rachael was admitted again to the hospital after her first round of chemo and has had to have a transfussion this week and still not well enough to be home. She has been in very severe pain the last few days which I know is ripping her parent's hearts out. I have worked with Rachael's mom for 10 years and she is just one of the nicestest most compassionate people I know! I say that with all my heart! Rachael is a super young girl with a giant heart and so caring. Please pray to give her strength to get through this and for her mom & dad to find some peace. They are a super close knit family and I know they will hold each other up but prayers can't hurt. If you want to follow her story you can find it on caringbridge at: http://www.caringbri...lmurray/mystoryUpdate 1 - You guys did it! Rachael was discharged yesterday afternoon and able to go home. She will have a 7 day break while she is in between chemo cycles. Keep up the prayers because we all want her home! THANK YOU and Praise the Lord!!!!!!Update 2 - Saw my friend yesterday and was able to give her a couple of giant hugs. I just can't tell you what a remarkable family they are. Her 12 year old brother and his friends have started making bracelets and donating the money to Hodgkins Lymphoma research. Rachael is doing well and gets 7 days off of chemo. Her biggest concern is getting back to school but realizing she has to take it slow. One minute she is feeling good and the next not so good. My friend is holding it together but says how hard it is to watch. She had a picture of Rachael who has now lost most of her hair but you what I noticed, her beautiful smile! She is handling this better than most adults and I'm so proud of her. I'll keep you all posted but don't stop the prayers!Update 3 - Rachael starts round 2 of chemo today. It will be an 8 hour day :o Please keep them all in your prayers. The dr's have made some adjustments so that hopefully her white blood cell count won't go so low this time and hopefully she won't need another transfusion and have to be admitted to the hospital again.Update 4 - Rachael is doing better with the 2nd round of chemo. She had a bad weekend but has had 2 great days and has made it through school both days. Believe it or not I think that is the best medicine for her. Today she has the drug that caused her to bottom out last time so we're praying this time she handles it better. Her younger brother is going to chemo today so that he can see what it is all about and hopefully worry less. Her brother has also started a team to raise funds for childrens lymphoma. Thanks for keeping this special family in your prayers.Update 5 - For those of you that want the link to Ryan's fund raising effort this is the link. http://pages.lightth...any1212/RMurrayRachael had a bad day yesterday but doing better today. According to her mom they are taking it hour by hour. Thanks for all of your support! I know prayer will get them through this.Update 6 - Rachael is doing better and has some energy. She was in some pain yesterday but that was expected. So the good news, she was voted Homecoming Queen! How exciting. Her brother Ryan had his fund raising walk and raised more than $1000! He was also made kid of the week by our local radio station. One of the parents nominated him. So well deserved. I was driving down the road and heard this story about Ryan and the more I heard I said to myself that is our Ryan. Yup it was! I was the one that got to call his mother and tell her too. She knew he was nominated but didn't know he was selected. Well deserved award for sure!

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I forgot to add a story that I think shows Rachael's true character. After getting the news the day before and finding out that she would lose her beautiful long blond locks she had her mother arrange her hairdresser to come to the hospital and cut off her hair and donate it to Locks of Love! It just amazes me that she and her family could even think to do that. Two of Rachael's friends have donated their hair in support of her and to go toward her getting her wig. Makes me tear up everytime I think of their selflessness! As a friend it is so hard to sit back and not be able to do much. They have a large family and have all kinds of support which is wonderful but hard that we can't really do much but pray and wait for good news.

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When I read this, my heart fell to the ground. When my son was 21, he was diagnosed with a brain tumor, grade 4 medulloblastoma. That was the single worst day of my life. When I read this, it brought back a flood of memories. I remember feeling so helpless because moms and dads are supposed to fix things fore their kids. I am sure that Rachels family is going through a similar hell. After 18 grueling months of chemo and radiation, my son has been cancer free for 10 years. Please tell them I will pray for them as they go through this trying time. Also tell them to never give up hope, the doctors that deal with this are miracle workers. The hardest part is to let go and trust them. And try, try to find some positive out of all this. Many, many prayers are being offered up for Rachel and her family.

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Originally posted by mboyle

When I read this, my heart fell to the ground. When my son was 21, he was diagnosed with a brain tumor, grade 4 medulloblastoma. That was the single worst day of my life. When I read this, it brought back a flood of memories. I remember feeling so helpless because moms and dads are supposed to fix things fore their kids. I am sure that Rachels family is going through a similar hell. After 18 grueling months of chemo and radiation, my son has been cancer free for 10 years. Please tell them I will pray for them as they go through this trying time. Also tell them to never give up hope, the doctors that deal with this are miracle workers. The hardest part is to let go and trust them. And try, try to find some positive out of all this. Many, many prayers are being offered up for Rachel and her family.

Mary what hell you went through and I'm sorry you had to live it. I'm sure my friend, Shelley, would completely understand how you felt. I'm so glad your son is now cancer free! That is awesome. Thank you so much for the prayers!

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