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Grandson Christopher

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My grandson has been asking if he could make a quilt for his toys. So this weekend I set him up and away he went. Unfortunately he picked out red thread and it kept breaking. I even changed the spools and it still kept breaking. But we got it done and his mom helped him trim and bind it. He was very proud. And so was I.

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Thanks Marilyn and Sue, he came to me a while ago and wanted to learn to sew. So I gave him some fabric and told him to pick a picture from a coloring book. He copied the picture and we started with embroidery. Then he sewed the pillow together and then he wanted to make the quilt. He was happy.

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Sewhappy, that is a garland hanging from the lights. Actually is is a measuring tape with different sewing things on it as a Christmas decoration that I never took down. The thing on the end is a giant rabbit that my husband gave me years ago. A little bit of decoration for all year round. LOL

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Thanks for all the comments. He did have fun. He even wrote his name and made a dinasour. I put an elephant on it, he hasn't found it yet, and the date that he made it on there. I'm sure he will keep it a long time. He always wants to do a "project" with me. It has been hard to come up with new projects every week for him.


His sister made a pillow case the same day. She is 7. She didn't want to be left out. LOL

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Well, we know guys love the big machinery! I bet he's been watching you for a long time and young ones are fearless about trying new things. No one told him he couldn't do it, so he knew he could. Good grandparenting , wonderful GS Christopher, and I'm sure the quilt was perfect! Quite a memory for you all.  :wub:

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Angela Huffman's son wins awards for his quilting and he's 12.  You should think about entering in the KIDS CAN QUILT CONTEST as part of the MQX show in New England or Oregon.  The piecing doesn't count at all, just the quilting part of it.  Usually kids always win a ribbon because each of the faculty awards a ribbon and some of them see that children don't have one and give it to them.

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