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REALLY ??? Do I win the stupid prize?

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Like I'm not tired and stressed out enough.

I just quilted the wrong panto on a quilt.  :angry: 

Noticed it 2 hours after I finished.

But the panto matched the theme;

Has the word "_____" in it (like the right one did);

And looks really good IMHO.

Do these 3 things count for anything???

I hope customer is okay with my blunder.

What to do?

I'm not sure even a quart of Ben & Jerry's will make me feel better.  :( 


What's the stupidest thing you've done to a quilt? 

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Darlene, I love the spelling of "honesly" in this scenario!!! And the emoticons, too funny!!


I'm sure it will be fine. Thankfully it looks good. I'm just having a bad day.


And since you all agree that B&J will make it better, I want Cherry Garcia AND Chunky Monkey!

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Stupid things? How long do you have?


Picked up a quilt at guild and couldn't remember the customers name. 

Dropped clear oil on an LQS sample.

Couldn't figure out why the machine was so draggy. I had quilted an edge of the batting to the back of the quilt. That took some frogging to fix.

I was using a self-threading needle to bury tails and lost the needle. On a baby quilt.  :blink: I spent hours looking for the needle. Even had my DH use a powerful magnet to search. I found the needle using a magnet--on the floor.

Snipped a backer.

Snipped a top.

Scheduled a pick-up for noon when I didn't get off work until 2 pm.

It goes on and on but I don't want to further embarrass myself! :ph34r:

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Bonnie I did the same thing and switched two different designs on two quilts.  Customers came said they were glad I had the insight to use another panto because it looked much better than the one they picked.  They were none the wiser and as long as they are happy so am I. LOL  Let us know what your customer says.

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Linda, so far you beat us all and take the award! Ladies, we are in good company at least! LOL I'm cringing at all the "mistakes" it looks like we all have made. It's inevitable to happen since there's only one perfect person I know. Thanks for making me feel better. I'm guessing she will be okay and I will probably beat myself up over it longer than she will remember my making a mistake.


Hmm, wine and ice cream, not sure they sound good together.

Maybe I should give HER the wine? 

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GO for what ever you can get. Wine, ice cream or something else!


My personal worst was leaving the needle in the down position and rolling the quilt without "thinking" and yep, ripped a three inch hole in the whole quilt. My SIL said it was meant to be and loves the three flowers on the front and the label on the back. I was saved!!!!!!

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The worse thing I've done is tripped and fell against my machine when the needle was in the down position. Ended up frogging what was quilted, repaired the rip and replaced the backing. I never walk away from the machine with the needle in the down position anymore!

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You're definately not the first to do this.  I did this a few months ago.  I had 2 almost identical quilts come in around the same time.  I put the wrong panto on the 1st one, caught the mistake so I didn't blow it for the second one.  Even after 8 years of business, these things can happen. :angry:   My customer was fine with it.  I was just mad at myself.

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I actually just did this.  I haven't given her the quilt yet, but I'm sure it won't matter because she said just pick something.  I emailed her a picture of the panto and then used another one.  I have no idea why.  But I realized it when I was almost finished so I wasn't redoing it.  I was supposed to do waterworld and did large popcorn.  They look similar to me.  She wanted rounded.

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Just the other day I did a big "boo boo".  Customer provided her batting with top and backer.  Backer was 2 inches shorter than the top.  She brought me more of the same fabric.  I was so eager to get hers done that I quilckly seamed the extra backing together and loaded the quilt.  Finished the quilt and began to fold it up...OH NO!!  I had even taken the time to cut batting from my roll.  No big deal right????  She provided Dream Puff and I quilted it with Dream Blend 70/30.  The battings are not even similar.  Grrrrrrr.  I gave her the batting and the quilting free (inexpensive e2e design and a smaller quilt).  I never even opened the bottle of wine that is in my frig here at the studio...

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