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Computer or Not?

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How many have computers on your longarms, especially ones of you that quilt for customers?  Do you use it mostly for pantographs, or do you use it for other things?  My business is finally growing and I think I can finally justify a computer and I am wondering if it is worth it.



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I have a computer on my Lenni, love it, and use it for blocks, e2e, about anything I need.


With the arthritis so bad, I'd not be able to quilt at all... and I can't stand that thought.





Mary, give me a pm here and I'll chat with you a bit about mine.

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I use mine a lot for pantographs, but I really got it because I do a lot of custom and I got tired of the fancy design that I chose to put in the blocks of a quilt after I'd finished the first two and there were 28 more to go!  The computer can really save wear and tear on the body.  I'm too old to keep doing all that repetitive stuff.

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I've been computerized for about 4 years now and love it. I too, use most for panto's . And then again I also use it for custom work. The nice thing about the computer is that you can do designs that are too complicated for hand work. And you can learn digitizing and make your own designs. Enjoy. Zeke.....

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I've finally made the decision to get IQ.  I'm sooooo excited.   :lol:  It was a big decision because it is very expensive.  I looked at the Quilt Path, but was not impressed (sorry).  It just doesn't do everything I needed a computerized system to do for me.  I also looked at the Statler Stitcher, and even though I really liked the Statler Stitcher system, they will only sell it for Gammils.  I love my APQS and don't want to change to a Gammil. 


 I know I'm going to use the IQ for pantos, digitizing, and because I do a lot of custom quilting, I'll be using it for that as well.  I know I'll have a big learning curve at first, but that's when I plan to get some charity quilts done.  Yeeeeeee!  I get my IQ in October.  I'm so excited.  I wish it were already October!  ;)

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I added my first computer to my first longarm in 2010. I wouldn't be without it now. It is one of my best business tools to stay productive and profitable. It is like my own little employee stitching away while I'm working on something else. Even if that something else is hopping on the APQS.com forums! :)


Hop on in, Mary, the water is fine. :)

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Think long and hard about the end-use of a computer system.

What are your goals? More customers/$$, easier on your body, easy overalls, or as a partner with custom freehanding? I'm sure after you get one, you'll find you love it and use it a lot, if only because you have a lot invested in the purchase.

Having a second machine with a computer on it will allow more done in less time. But try to figure out how long/at what amount is the pay-back point. If you have one machine, you still can only do one quilt at a time on it. 

I'm watching the QP progression because eventually I'll get a system. But my thought is to have two machines since the bulk of my business is custom and I'd like more overall business. I'd love to be able to digitize my own block designs to use for repeating, and then be able to freehand other spaces. And the digitized overall designs available now are stunning.

Good luck with your decision.

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My reasons were I was buried. I could piece and work on oaperwork or many other things while QP is doing pantos. Computers are great, but expensive. You have to make sure it will pay out or you are doing it for yourself. Could I have went on without one absolutely.


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I love my Quilt Path!  About 75% of the quilts I do with it are E2E, the other 25% custom.  I am lucky to have two Quilt Path's now, one at home and one in the showroom.  I still do freehand work too, but not anywhere near as much as I did before getting my first computer last year.   It is all about multi-tasking for me.  I am not sure I could go back to just freehand quilting now.  I love getting to do it occasionally but I did not realize how much impact it was really having on me.   


A little over a year ago, I was in the same boat with Linda.  I did primarily freehand custom and wanted to build my E2E business.  Now I do primarily E2E, which has had a great impact on my bottom line.  And I still get to do enough custom quilts to satisfy my creative side.   Going computerized was the right choice for me.  

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I do love my Quilt Path.


The reason I purchased my Quilt Path is because I'm new to long arm quilting. My Quilt Path has given me the opportunity to expand my quilting as I learn. It certainly quilts far better than I do at this point.


I have so many more choices with it than without it. Since I have limited knowledge and ability after I load a quilt I can then decide if I want to do a panto or do I want to combine some custom work with the help of my Quilt Path. I think it's a match made in heaven for me.


I'm certain I would of enjoyed my Freedom without the Quilt Path but with it I'm loving it all that much more.



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I bought a SideSaddle, a small and cheaper version of an onboard computer.  I was told that it would work fine on my Millennium, but that isn't really the case.  It is slow; I can finish a quilt faster without it. I'm not always satisfied with the quality of the patterns once they're stitched out. However, I think it would work well on a smaller, lighter machine.  If I were to do it again, I wouldn't!  I think I should have bitten the bullet and bought a larger one.


Also, I must admit I haven't always kept up with the updates so it isn't completely the SS's fault.


Those of you who have the SS, please don't yell at me!  It has its place -- just not with me.



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No yelling Barbara...I hear what you're saying.  I have the SideSaddle also.  I use it on my Liberty.  It was perfect for what I wanted and needed.   I don't have a business and I don't quilt for others.  I just play mostly by myself so this gives me computer ability at a much smaller price.  They have done quite a few updates and there was supposed to be a whole new computer system in July, but I still haven't seen it.  I would never suggest this system to someone wanting to use it as a workhorse to have a quilting business.  My motto has always been to buy the biggest and best you can afford.  This system is a good fit for the quilter who wants to have the ability to quilt using a computer at a much lower investment price than the larger ones.  Comparing the SS to IQ is kind of like comparing a beautiful new Millennium with all the bells and whistles to a Liberty.  My Liberty is a great little machine and does a great job for me with the exception of a few times when I wish I had a larger throat space and the SS has worked well for me. 


(((((Secret....I often lust for a new Millennium and the IQ system.))))) 

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I got the computer because freehanding set my spine, neck and shoulders off, and the pain just

got to be way too much.. and the second reason is because the prescribed meds I was on left

me unable to do even basic freehand meandering.


I use it for pantos. blocks and around items.. some designs come with background filler for the blocks.


Really makes it nice, and a lot less painful.  Just that instead of drugs, heavy drugs prescribed,

makes it more than worth it.


Check out the features on each one, and the Side Saddle which I have.



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