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Not Exactly Spring here in ND !

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Instead of being out taking pictures of beautiful flowers I am sitting in the auto shop getting a heater installed in the block of my car so it will start when it really gets cold. It's been anywhere from 4 degrees to 20. I've been assured that winter has not come. Any suggestions from you experienced winter place people on how to live where when you go outside that you feel that you are actually in a deep freezer. Ha Ha The people are friendly . I keep thinking that there must be a warm day somewhere along the line but maybe not for months. My Milli is far away in Idaho and I've already crocheted enough hats for the entire family. My DSM is coming out to play today. We've been a motel since before Christmas. No housework or cooking. Ha Ha

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Isn\'t Idaho cold?? We get snow, but not like ND or Idaho. My mother-in-law lives in Iowa and the snow drifts are over her doors in her house. She was finally able to get out one door to let her fur ball dog out and almost lost him because he jumped the drifts and went to the door he usually goes in and out...I will take KC, MO any day. I know we get some stinky weather...but like they say, "If you don\'t like the weather in Missouri, just stick around it will change." And it does just about every other day :)

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This is where we grew up so we know no different than having snow and cold in the winter. Some years worse than others. Summers are not as humid as in the south and I just melt when I have visited there! My sis said in the south people "play" outside for 9 mo of the year and are indoors during 3 mo (hot weather) and in the north people "play" outside 9 mo of the year and are indoors during 3 mo (cold weather). When she said that then I could understand why someone would want to live where it is so hot and humid!!!!

Just depends what you are used to. I enjoy the change of seasons even when I am complaining of shoveling snow!

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I enjoy the change of seasons too, but here in Nebraska the cold gets tiresome. We went to Los Cabos for a 5 day break between Christmas and New Years. We just got back last night. We had a good time but I was suffering serious withdrawal from quilting and can you believe I couldn\'t find a quilting magazine in any of the news shops at DFW? They have skateboarding magazines, for heaven\'s sake. What are they thinking???

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I can sympathise with you completely. We are originally from San Diego, and when DH joined the Air Force our first base was Minot, ND. Culture shock, weather shock, away from home shock, you name it, I experienced it!

We were in Minot for 5 1/2 years. I\'d swear a good 4 years of that was winter!! lol

So, the block heater is a must. You will see people leaving their cars running as they run into the store. That was a shock, as well. I couldn\'t do it when I first got there, but then I acclimated and was right there with them! If you don\'t feel comfortable leaving an unlocked running car, invest in an extra key, and leave it running locked up tight. It is amazing how fast a car can cool down in that weather, once you turn it off.

Black ice is something to be careful of, especially if it\'s windy, and the wind is a force to respect up there. Be careful of the wind, it will cut right through you. Make sure your ears and fingertips are covered.

It will get "warmer" in March/April, but don\'t plan any picnics before the middle of May! I\'m not trying to discourage you, I just wish I had known some of this before I went...

Oh, and if you see people out in shorts and flip flops washing their cars in their driveways when the temp reaches 33 degrees, you\'ll know you\'re in ND!!! Never ceased to amaze me....

Oh, and look out in the mornings, look at the trees, it is the most breathtaking sight to see all of the trees coated in white frost. It is magical!!

And when it\'s snowing and blowing and the temp is plummeting, it\'s wonderful to be inside with a warm cup of whatever, stitching away....

Stay warm!

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And in North Dakota, do with the NoDaks do! :cool:


Wherever you live -- wherever -- North Carolina, or North Pole, Alaska...you get "wonderful" reasons for living there, and "not so wonderful" reasons for living there. So,with that said, wherever you live, there are good and bad...you have to always yourself (maybe even remind yourself) "To live in this place, I am willing to put up with the (insert bad thing here) in order to get the (insert wonderful thing here) and fill in those blanks. There is no perfect place to live...only what we personally want overall as a quality of life or choice. I choose to live where I do for reasons that go over and above the not so terrific reasons. Some people are really puzzled as to why I would live in Alaska with the snow and igloos and all that...LOL! Well, I\'ll tell ya, it\'s a big secret! I\'m not telling! Would you believe that many people come here (military tour) to live here and many, many of them return to live here forever after they retire from military or get out. So, ask why they do that??? They choose to come back here for some reason!!

And, rest assured there is a good reason people choose to live in North Dakota,,..,it\'s there some where under that snow drift, I think! So, wrap up in a warm scarf, hat, mittens, heavy socks, boots, parka and get out that snow shovel and start diggin\'...you\'ll find it!

So, find some clubs to meet new friends, get yourself a nice warm hat that is wind resistant (I understand it can get windy in North Dakota) but I know that behind the wind and snow drifts, there are some wonderful things to appreciate. :)

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!

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It sounds like your a little colder than us. I\'m in upstate NY and we still in the 30\'s during the day. It will be really cold in Jan. & Feb. and I hate the days when it barely hits 0. Today we woke to 10" of snow but it was so beautiful!

Marcie I lived in NC for 13 years and never got used to the heat! I\'d rather have the snow. The humidity almost killed me. My son lives in Wilmington though so we come back for a visit...just not in July and Aug!

Like Shana says there are things we love and things we hate about where we live! We\'re in for another snow tomorrow...hopefully not as big. I\'m already tired of digging out!


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Being one that was raised in the cold and windy winters of Montana....I guess its just something that you just dealt with and didn\'t even wonder why....I remember many days the wind blowing so hard and the wind chill was well below zero....but worst yet is when your contact lenses freeze to your eyes and you have to wait several hours before you can take them off.

You will learn really quick not to wear pierced earrings, and other unnecessary jewery. You will learn quick to wrap your nose and mouth with a snuggly scarf so your breath doesn\'t get ripped out of your lungs. Frozen lungs are right up there with frozen eye balls.

But you will meet some really nice people, there are some great guilds there. Everything is potluck...so dust off your old cassarole dishes and pull out your old recipes....and enjoy your new life style while you are in ND. And ya know when you leave...you will miss the people, they are pretty nice. One of my bestest friends lives in Williston and several that I know live in Watford City. A good crowd to draw too.

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I know you\'re unhappy in your "transplant" to ND and that you\'re suffering serious "separation anxiety" from your Millie, but you\'re with your DH, and that\'s something very important. There are those on these chats who have lost (or come close to losing) their life partners this past year, and I\'m sure they would trade all the frigid weather in the world (even North Pole, Alaska!:P that\'s for you, Shana!;)) to have them back.

That having been said, it doesn\'t change the view out your hotel room window. I think you\'ll have to slowly learn to change how you look out that window. If you\'re able to stay warm inside, then learn to appreciate the pristine beauty of a winter snowscape. Or haul out the trusty DSM and try something you never thought you\'d be able to learn - at least now you\'ve got time!

Just remember that we\'re all here for you, to be a line back to sanity when it looks like there\'s no sunshine on the horizon. I would send you sunshine and warmth now, if I could, but we have a foot and a half of snow, and the outside temp is hovering around 20 degrees. so it\'s not much improvement over where you are.

Hang in there, Cheryll!

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Thanks for the words of wisdom on finding and remembering the good reasons why we choose to live where we live. They are very helpful to me right now. My DH and I are about to start out on another great adventure with a move to Iowa in the spring. We have lived our whole lives (50+ years) in Arizona, California, and now Texas. But our daughter and only granddaughter live in Ankeny, Iowa. They can\'t move, and we can, so here we go!!! Sometimes I doubt our decision and question our sanity. But you know what, granddaughter is almost 10 and we\'ve missed out on so much time with her already. If we miss out on the rest, we can never get that time back.

I sympathize with the anxiety and withdrawal. I\'m about to pack up my sewing room and Freedom (which I\'ve barely had a chance to get comfortable with) and put it all in storage so the house look better to buyers. I probably won\'t be able to use the longarm again til at least May. But it will be worth it to be close to family!

By the way, someone on this site once joked about moving next door to Dawn so they would have constant access to her expertise. Well, we\'ll be "almost" next door. Bondurant is only about five miles from where she lives.


Temporarily basking in the sun in Central Texas

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I agree that layers is the way to go. There is a brand of long underwear that is wonderful, Cuddle Duds.

I don\'t like winter either. Did I mention that we got between 10 inches and a foot of snow last night? I am just glad I didn\'t have to try and get to work this morning. It would have definitely been a work from home day today. I would move to a warmer climate in a heartbeat but am currently dealing with aging parents. My turn will come, just not today.

I would be sewing up a storm so that when you return to your machine, you will have plenty of tops to get quilted. Is there a local library? I love to read and think that libraries are the best.

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down comforters.... turtlenecks, wool sweaters, uggs, mittens, warm hats, down coat, etc. (these are a few of my favorite things...)

when I was young, I used to make quilts for my boys that were similar to down coats... I used a high loft batt and "channel" quilted.... usually 3" apart. that allowed the loft to remain intact and the quilt would direct their little body heat back to them.... now I just throw a down comforter over my quilts!

At least some of you get sun... here in NE Ohio we get gray skys for about 5 months... If we get a peak of sun we are JOYOUS!

keep warm all,

Happy New Year..

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Time will surely go at a snails pace if you wake up each morning and dread another day in the place you are. However if you try to look for the positive such as new quilt stores to discover maybe even signing up to take a quilt class or 2 why you are there and getting to meet new people that share your love for quilting will make the days go by quicker and you will be back home before you know it.

Hang in there and since you have internet access you are only a click away from your loved ones back home...to keep track of the new grand baby have the mom keep you updated with new photos weekly by having her send you digital pics to your e-mail. It will be the next best thing to being there.

If you try you will always be able to make lemonade out of the lemons that life has given you.

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The one thing that I haven\'t seen suggested yet for you is to have a single or double piece of fleece or quilt in the car. When you get in and it hasn\'t had time to warm up, just flip the fleece over your lap/legs and it will keep the bitter cold off you. I travel everywhere with that method, even in the summer because hubby can have the air on to his comfort, stay awake level and I keep the draft off me and am very comfortable too.

Now if you happen to get a home that you want to warm up a bit, you can always use quilts on the windows!! I made roman shade quilts for the windows on the north of my home and bought "window quilts" for the patio doors. They made a big difference. Even hanging a sheer curtain over the window with other drapes will make a huge difference.

I grew up and still live in southern MN where we get below freezing temps and worse wind chills, and most of the houses have needed warmth enhancing treatments.

And you new mantra is: "And this too shall pass!" There will be warmer days every once in a while.

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It is just human nature to complain about the weather.

I love the sunny California weather they show in all the post cards. They don\'t show the Santa Ana winds which bring fire danger. We are in the middle of SA winds right now. MO has its tornados. N. Carolina thru the Gulf States has the hurricanes. Washington and Oregon get the rain and the Idaho to Maine (and Alaska) get the white stuff several weeks a year. It is a good thing we don\'t sleep outdoors.

But then you get those times during the year that things are so beautiful. Rhododendrens in Washington. Rolling green hills in MO, balmy beaches on the eastern seaboard and sunshine in the southwest.

Cheryll, I agree with Barb. You need to change your view out that window. Put up a poster on that motel room wall and take a mini-vacation when you\'re low. Get that DSM hooked up and create a little sewing nest for yourself in that room. When you are able to get out, find the LQS and purchase some yummy fabric and piece some quilts that can be quilted when you get back home.

Hang in there.

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Thanks for all the great comments on the cold. I\'m not depressed or anything I think I\'m just making my way in a new place and weather. I already found the local quilt store and it\'s really nice. I have a phone job interview on Thursday. I may get to try a new field. My little grand daughter is only 15 months I don\'t think she will say to me " remember the time when you didn\'t spend Christmas with me". Ha Ha I think my dogs will remember me. I know they are better off out of the cold here. My older son is taking care of the m and loving them. You have prayed for him before his name is Abe. He\'s on his 3rd time to try and get sober. We are so thrilled to know he is making progress.

I am also assessing how little the amount of things a person actually needs to get by. I\'m talking clothes, kitchen everything. I think now I could go anywhere and know what to do. I did this kind of stuff when I was very young but not lately.

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Hang in there Cheryl - we have the opposite weather here in Phoenix... 9 months fabulous weather and 3 months burning, hotter than hot summer (over 105 everyday) where the pavement melts your sandals and even tennis shoes get hot on the soles of your feet. I guess it\'s true that no matter where people live, there will always be a stinky time of year to just get through. I do miss the changing seasons though. Cactus just don\'t have pretty leaves that change color in the fall... hmmmmm

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