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Generation Quilt - Vintage Parasol Ladies

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A customer of mine recently acquired 12 applique blocks that her grandmother had started --probably years ago. Anyway, she purchased fabric for sashing and borders and put the blocks in a top. Lucky me, I got to quilt it for her! :) Isn't it lovely? Exquisite tiny hand stitching on the applique. I was inspired to try McFeathering on the background fabric and it was fun!!!

This family treasure is now able to be used and loved, rather than stuffed in a box in on a shelf in a dark closet! :) Here are some photos.


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Oh Golly, it is gorgeous. I have the pattern outline for a Colonial Bonnet Sue, lace and all.. that one is just gorgeous.. beautiful, and your stitching really looks wonderful on it.. I'm so glad you had that fun..


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Shana - What a beaut of a quilt. You have done a beautiful job on those dear ladies. I'll bet that this quilt will be an heirloom for the family and your customer is extremely pleased with what you have done to their treasure. Isn't it fun to be able to do this? Help people make a usable quilt out of a box of blocks. We have one of the best jobs in the world....:D

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Great blocks, great quilt, and exquisite quilting my friend!

I love those ladies! Do you think they may be from the 50's? They are rather stylish with their big picture hats and those pumps! And the fabrics look like calicos from that era with some dress material added in.

All in all, a family treasure that you added beauty to. Great job--and fun too, I bet.


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This is a beautiful quilt and the quilting is wonderful. It really compliments the quilt - love it, love it, love it. I'm going to mark this one. There's a quilt I'd like to do that is similar and the background quilting would be great to try. Thanks for sharing.

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One more thing to add: The grandmother is still alive, but in her 90's and in poor health (in hospital). Christy hopes to get some photos sent to her grandmother right away and untimately hopes to personally bring it down to Grandmother when they travel to visit in about 6 months.

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Absolutely adorable. What a beautiful job on the Mcfeathering! I havent tried it yet, so where do you start? with a few Paisley like thingys and then work back to do the feathers? I guess I could practice - but it's great to hear about it first!

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Beautiful Shana!! I just saw one of these at our outdoor show - a new version though - and the quilter did a nice ribbon sashing type of a thing on top of the ladies - going around the waist. Like it was tying the dress / apron on. Looked really cute!! I like yours too - thanks for sharing!!

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Shana, beautiful quilt & quilting. My Grandmother made that quilt pattern. It was on of her favorites. All of her grandchildren received one. including me. I lost mine in a house fire, but when Grandma died, I rescued all her old quilt templates, stencils and patterns out of the trash. This is a quilt that is on my list to make. I think I will add this to my favorites as inspiration.

You did a great job quilting it!!!!


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Shana you are such a good girl to quilt this for grandma.......wow!! She is going to love it, love it, love it!!!! It is perfect!!! Your McT is wonderfull, and it is great with this quilt. I know I have some practicing to do with mine......:D. I love vintage quilts and this is adorable.....you really are lucky to work on such beautiful quilts.


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