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I Did It!

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I took the plunge--I am relatively new to quilting (2 years)and all of a sudden I had the urge for a longarm--I purchased a refurbished Millie from APQS through Joanne Jones of Ye Old Forest Quilters and I can't wait for it to get here. On one hand, I am terrified--what if I can't do this and on the other hand, I am so excited.


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Congratulations Jana.

Might as well jump in a get wet with both feet. I sure wish I had done it along time ago. Only have had my Lenni 2 days and already having a great time. Learning is half the fun. I actually felt myself chill out and start to smile. Let go of the death grip and relaxed and it was so much easier. I think it is great are you a NC girl?

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You won't regreat this Jana. The 3rd best day in my life was deciding to get my Millie, signing the papers and then waiting what seemed like forever, but only 2 weeks. I'm soooo glad that I made that decision and I think you will be too. Don't be afraid of it, just give it a big hug, take a deep breath and go for it....:cool:

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Congratulations!! And welcome to the forum. Just so you know...these jitters you are now feeling are normal, and they will go away :) We have all had them, usually before the machine arrives and just after it is set up and ready to go. Once you get started you will have the time of your life.

This forum is a great place for inspiration, a few laughs, pep talks, etc.

Have fun quilting!!

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Congrats and welcome to our little family!!;) You should have some tops made ahead of time to practice on and get some sleep while you can because when she arrives you will be playing with her all the time. :D Jitters are normal but they will go away.......just relax and breathe normally. :D


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One note: Someone once told me, probably in a class from someone like Sally Terry, or Cindy Roth, to always take paper and pen where ever you go. Get in the habit of doodling. Practice Practice Practice on paper--your muscles don't know the difference between paper and the machine. The muscles are sending messages to the brain and are memorizing those motions. IT WORKS! If works for all learning types.

One of those little tricks of the trade.:D

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Janna, congratulations and welcome to the family. You are going to love your new machine and what Rita says about holding the handles with two fingers goes right along with breathing, they are very hard things to do at first, ask me how I know

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