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An enlightening moment

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I have a friend who hosted a foreign exchange student from France once, and to impress the girl, she'd practiced a little welcoming phrase she'd learned by translating with a french-english dictionary. She wanted to say, "I'm sure you'd like to relax with a shower before supper." What she actually said was, "I think you need to douche before supper."

The poor girl later said that she thought these Americans must have noses like bloodhounds.

Mr Margie

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I was a 20 year old college Sophomore, majoring in French, and staying with a native hostess in Paris. After a wonderful delicious meal, I exclaimed, "Je suis plein." I wanted to say that I was full. My hostess, Madame Mosse, did the ROFL, and after drying her eyes, she told me that I just announced that I was pregnant.

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"She wanted to say, "I'm sure you'd like to relax with a shower before supper." What she actually said was, "I think you need to douche before supper."

The poor girl later said that she thought these Americans must have noses like bloodhounds."

Way too funny Mr Margie, my tummy hurts from laughing :):D:D:D

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:P:P Oh, I'm so glad I decided to read this forum today. It's got to be the funniest ever!! There must be millions of stories like these and reading just these few is enough to tighten those sagging tummy muscles from all the laughing.

I was on the phone with tech support for my Linksys wireless. The gal was asking me about the "prodigal" ????

After asking her to repeat it 3 times I asked her to spell it. P-R-O-T-C-O-L!! That's what happens when American companies send there stuff off shore. Boy, was it frustrating.:mad:

My former SIL is from deep KY with WV parents. She was always pronouncing words weirdly and got mad if anyone tried to tell her the right way. She was an admin sectretary and typed out important stuff daily. Thank goodness for spell check.:P:P:P

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Love that Shana!

My Mom always thought that Shirley, Goodness and Mercy were friends who would follow her around alllllll the days of HER life!

When I was little, the bible teacher said we were going on a trip to Jerusalem. I packed my stuff and waited in the driveway for hours 'til Mom came out and explained it to me...

Yes, I am a natural blond.

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I am sitting in work...loaned out for the day to cover the Reception Desk at the Corporate Office, so I have time to play on the computer. Usually, I am too busy to do anything but work, work, work.

I have been reading this thread and trying not to laugh out loud. I have numerous top execs and CEOs coming through here for meetings. Giggling isn't quite acceptable. I'm trying to keep a straight face, although pleasant and professional.

Then the phone rang just as I was reading about humping in the yard. LOL. I had to cough and clear my throat and then excuse myself for a moment, until I could get some control of myself to stop laughing so much. I was sitting here shaking from holding in the laughter. This is really making my afternoon go by quickly. You all are so funny.

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Originally posted by lym95

I thought "viola" was a big fiddle.

I have a friend who is frequently "flustrated". She thinks it's a real word and doesn't believe me when I try to educate her. (A problem I run into on occasion...)


And then there is the often used (non word) "Irregardless" which is a double negative.

Or, "I need to axe you a question."

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We had a huge flood back in June. Tons of folks lost everything. I've been listening to my DH talk about the "Dee-Breese" (debris) we see as we drive around town these last few months. I corrected him once, but it didn't take. So I've been ignoring it, but chuckling a little on the inside each time he does it now ;0)

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SandraC - That's o.k. you can talk about Pres. Bush all you want.... My favorite part of the David Letterman (sp?) Show is "Great Moments in Presidential Speaches".... oh boy! They always show some funnies on there!

The exchange student memory I have is as follows:

There was a big gathering in our town for some reason and they needed families to host a student just for a night or two. (Can't remember why, so MANY years ago!)

Anyhow - we were going to have one stay with us, and were at the big Conservation Club for a supper and to find out Who our student was. They made the announcements, a young man from Austrialia stood up and my oldest Sister went up to him to bring him over to our family.... as she is standing there looking at this very TALL young man she says across the room - way to loudly too!@!! - - "Mom - he won't even fit in my bed!":o

Long time before I heard the last of that one at school.....

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I have a canadian friend who always prounounces chimney as chim-min-nee. I tease her that she's been watching way too much Mary Poppins!

A few years ago now, my mum decided she wanted get up to speed with all things computer and do an IT course. On her enrolment day she was sent to the supplies office and announced she would like a 'floppy dick'!

'Menstrual Singers' :P We used to have the 'Black & White Menstuals' here, and they were all men!!

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