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NQR - Special Prayer Request

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I've been praying for you and Bill, PattyJo. Please know that our hearts and thoughts are with you both right now and you also know that your Heavenly Father loves you and Bill. Let Him wrap His loving arms around you and give you comfort for the road ahead, where ever it leads. Life is such a tough journey at times, but He's always there loving you as you take that journey.

I'll continue lifting you and Bill up in prayer to our All-Knowing, All-Powerful Heavenly Father.

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Thank you all for posting these messages. I'm not sure that PattyJo has time right now, but she will take the time to read them when she can. You all mean so much to PattyJo and Bill. This support system is just so wonderful and I know she feels better knowing you all are thinking of them and praying for them at this time.

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Thank you all for your prayers. The Lord is good always but yesterday wasn't a very good day for us. Lots of decisions that were tough to make, but today is better. I think that sometimes when the tough decisions are facing us, the are way bigger than what we are comfortable with, but after having made some of them, now we realize that our burden is lighter. Some of the elders of our church came over and prayed with us last night and today, Bill has actually eaten food - real food - like toast this morning for his breakfast. I think that having so many here on the chat as well as at our church praying is lifting us up. There is no words that can say all that I am feeling right now except - Thank you all.

PS to Robin - I'm sure that you have a more direct line as there is nothing in the way!:)

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