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[b]My First Allover Freehand Quilt[/b]

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Nice job you went for it and did a wonderful job. Congratulations on taking a major step into the unknown. It really is scary isn't it. You kind of have to work up the nerve to take that plunge. But the rewards are so satisfying when you can look at it and say, there I DID IT!! So proud of you., Jeanne

Now, I have to take my own advice and get busy on one myself.

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Coleen - Wow you did a really great job! It is definetly more than a job well done. I know your friend will love it and will be so proud and happy for you.

I have found that I love freehand. For some reason I can relax more, but I have never done a whole quilt that way... bravery has its rewards doesn't it :D

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Very nice Coleen!

A little tip for the rest of you that are perching precariously ;)on the edge of freehand allover quilting ~

Draw the design you want to quilt on a piece of paper in the scale you want to quilt it. I start quilting at the size I want, but tend to get smaller (not ME, the quilting! :P) as I progress. Having the design drawn out and on top of the quilt as I work helps keep me on track, especially if I can't finish the quilt all in one session.

You'll find that once you have a design firmly imprinted in your brain, you'll be able to quilt it in any size you want; large allover or tiny background filler. Lots of drawing is WELL WORTH the EFFORT!

This didn't start as an ad, but The Pocket Guides to Freehanding have almost 150 freehand designs you can use in this way. You can read more about them here:


The secret is in practice (as in pen on paper) BEFORE you go to the machine. Believe me, if *I* can do it, ANYONE can! :o

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Thank you for all the extremely nice comments.

Thanks Darlene for the tips. You are so right about drawing. I only wish I could quilt as good as I can draw. My drawings come out much better than my quilting, I practiced on muslin for almost three years and once I started drawing it came much faster. There were long periods of time between practice sessions because I got so discouraged and I had a demanding full time job. Now that I don't work, I've had more time to practice.

Again, thanks for the comments. You guys are all so good for a person's ego. This is such a wonderful group!

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I wish I had read this thread before I started this quilt this morning, maybe I would have worked up more courage! I really wanted to try some of the things I've seen on Pyjama Quilter Reloaded but resorted to something I've done before, cinnamon rolls.

I'll have to remember your gumption next time, Coleen, and just go for it!!!


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