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NQR - brother update

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I just wanted to let everyone know that my brother, Donnie, passed away this past Thursday evening and we laid him to rest Saturday. We buried him next to my dad. I had posted a picture on the forum in January with his Super Bowl 3D glasses. The doctors told us they did not think he would last but about a month. The human spirit is amazing.

Donnie went to my mom's house (about 2 miles from me). They planted a garden and flowers. Well, Mom planted and Donnie supervised. I do have to say that even though he knew he was dying, he has probably not been as happy as he had been the last 4 months. He and my mom had had some trying times over the last 20+ years when he was drinking so much. There was peace between them and they really enjoyed each others company.

The hospice nurses felt that last Monday would be the day. They felt sure he had only a few hours -- well, as always he had the last word. My sister said that he, Donnie, was teaching us patience. The tumor had grown so large that it took up over half of his abdomen. He weighed about 110 pounds.

I will miss him greatly but I am so glad he is at peace and pain free.

I thank all of you for the prayers and good wishes that you have sent my way over the past several months.


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(((sending hugs))) and shedding a tear. Thank you for sharing, Sandra. I am glad that he spent his last months and days with his family and it all ended with some special memories, like planting that garden with mom. How sweet and what a lovely event to reflect on when you feel sad and miss him.

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Dear Sandra,

Feel my arms around you giving you a giant hug! I know that Donnie will be missed and I'm so thankful that your mom and he were able to mend fences and bond before he passed. I know he is pain free and in a happier place and that he has left a huge void in your life. Please hold onto all the joy he brought you and know that you have a friend in NY that is thinking of you and praying for peace for you and your family! Your friend.

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So sorry to hear of you brothers passing. As hard as it is to let him go, you know that he is in a better place and pain free. Rest in assurance that he is happy and would want you to be as well. Blessings to your family in this difficult time.

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Sandra, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I am glad that your mother had the opportunity to spend some peaceful time with her son while they planted a memorial garden. I hope these are the memories that you, your mom and the rest of your family can hold onto and remember. My thoughts are with you.


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I'm sorry to hear of your great loss, Sandra. Loosing family members, or dear friends, is so difficult and seems to drain us of our energy. Thankfully, he had some happy months with your Mother before he passed. That is so important to her. Loosing one's son is horribly difficult, but if they had been at odds with each other, that would have made her feel so much worse. I'm glad they made up.

Please take care of yourself, too. I understand you haven't been your best lately, either. I'll say a prayer for your health and I'm sending you a big (((HUG))).

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Sandra I am sorry to hear that you now have a hole in your life, but how comforting to know he is home and pain free. I am so glad that the last days were spent with family. May you be comforted by His presence during this time.

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Sandra, may God grant you and your family peace, love, and most of all acceptance of your loss. May you all find joy and fond memories of your dear brother. It is so important to let love be the most important thing that ever is between us. God bless you and all your loved ones.

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