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NQR- Get ready to say AWWWWwwwww

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Oh my stars! A woman came into the quilt shop last week with a Dachsund puppy. 7 weeks old, she'd had the baby for 1.5 days, and she didn't even have a name yet! Poor little thing was so tired that she didn't even wake up with about 5-8 women petting her and passing her basket around the shop.

Thanks for sharing pictures of sweet babies of any breed.

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too cute!!!! My little guy was only 2 1/2 lbs when I got him at 8 weeks - he is a huge 5.9 lbs now!!! The first time I took him on the plane when he was 9 weeks old, the gal at the check in desk was so worried that he would be traumatized, that she pre-boarded us - even in front of the 1st class passengers!!! The little guy loves airports and flying now - he sees his travel crate and can hardly wait to jump in and start barking at me to get going:P

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I'm fostering two chihuahua/daschund puppies. They are about 3 lbs and 11 weeks old. I'm supposed to have them for about 3 to 4 weeks when the rescue group will get them spayed and then put them up for adoption. They are really cute. We picked them up on Saturday. I have pictures in my webshots album. They actually came to us at a really good time because we had to put one of our almost 15 year old dogs - Ginger - to sleep on Tuesday. These two little ones are keeping us busy!

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