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How's the McTavishing look?? be honest

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Thanks. I was actually asking for opinions on the McTavishing. I've never done that much of it. Holy cow my eyes hurt!! Will Shannons design work well with feathers do you think 'cause I'm putting them in the borders.

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Tracey I think you McT'ing looks great. Once you find the rhythm isn't so bad. I always tend to make mine very tight and have to remind myself to make them a little looser or I could be quilting for hours! I agree that in this case the applique needs some more stitching. I think if you wanted you could do feathers in the outside portion of that flower. It would great enough quilting in the big parts and then maybe do some echoing or straight line type work in the inner part of the applique.

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Your McT is ravishing.. actually it is very pretty, I love it, found a tulip blooming out of a cluster of tulip leaves.. really pretty.. thats near the bottom, just left of center a bit.And near the stem of the corner flower. Great Job.


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I haven't been brave enough to put my McTavishing on a customer quilt yet but yours is great! And filling in the applique is going to help with the fullness you see right now.....it is asking for more quilting please. ;)

Can't wait to see it when you are finished.......please post a picture.

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Your McTavishing look great! :) Each quilters McTavishing is personally their's I've read and heard....Yours is beautiful!

I agree with everyone else the applique needs some quilting---however, I'm concerned that you have completed all the quilting around the applique and quilting in the appliques at this point may present a problem. The quilting inside the applique could resist laying flat, or pleat as you quilt onto this area. I would have McTavished, and quilted portions on the applique as I rolled the quilt.

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The applique isn't as 'ripply' as it looks in the photo. It lays quite flat so it won't be a problem. I had turned all the lights off except the one for the machine. It will be fine. No more quilting for tonight though. Just got the kids to bed and now I will just relax. I have a hand applique I am working on, (just learning) so maybe I'll sit with that. I'm also waiting for Holly to post pics of circle feathers!!!!

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Tracey - Your McT'g looks great and as someone else said, it is very evenly distributed. I also agree with Shannon that the applique needs some quilting in it. :)

Just a story about applique: .... One of my first quilts had several appliques that the customer said "don't quilt in them".....well, when she saw the quilt without any quilting in them, and I showed her how I could just do a few lines of stitching in them and it wouldn't destroy the look, but actually make it look better, she had me do that and from then on, I really talk my customers out of leaving the applique's blank. I've not had anyone not let me stitch in them when I show them pics of previous customers quilts.

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Tracey...I am an avid hand-appliquer and suggest a book from the Piece-o-Cake ladies...Applique the Piece-o-Cake Way. There are so many great tips and great pics for righties or lefties and makes needle-turn applique so much easier!

Hope you haven't been too hard hit by all the storms lately! I always forget where Little Britain is but think you might have been in the line of weather yesterday.

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