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nqr - prayer request

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My cousin Patty, my "right-hand quilter" went into the hospital today with pneumonia. She just had a pacemaker put in two weeks ago, and she's pretty miserable right now. Her doctor was supposed to see her tonight, but as of 7:00 our time, he hasn't been in.

I would appreciate prayers on her behalf since she is an avid quilter and kindred spirit to all quilters. She is always laughing and is always upbeat. It's difficult to see her down.

You all are so kind and eager to help in situations as this, I just had to put in a good word for Patty.

Thank you sincerely...


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I talked to Patty's sister this morning. Doc came in at 10:00 last night!!!! He's not ruling out pneumonia, but there is something else going on. He ordered a bunch of tests for today and she will call me when they know something definite. She has never seen Patty so miserable like she was last night. After Doc left, they gave her some morphine to calm and comfort her and Donna said Patty's sense of humor started coming back. Drugs----can't live with them, can't live without them.

I'll be keeping in touch. Thank you sooooooo much for the prayers and good thoughts! Keep 'em coming!

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Boni - I'm adding my prayers to all the others. I hope that the Dr's find out exactly what is going on. I know that you and Patty are truly quilting sisters & pals. I will keep Patty in my thoughts and prayers until I hear differently from you. Please keep us all informed. ((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))) to you and Patty.

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They ran a bunch of tests today. Still don't know anything. Patty is doped up pretty well; she's not talking to anyone. Sister Donna visited quite a while today, but they didn't tell her anything either.

Keep the prayers coming. I'm expecting something tomorrow. I hate the waiting.

God bless you all for your vigilance.

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