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Profile of business on T.V..... Yikes! Now with a link to the interview.

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I'm not sure how I got myself into this but I was contacted by the local cable company to do a profile in my longarm business. At first I thought NO WAY, how could i get up the nerve to do that but then on the other hand it is free publicity and I do think my Milli is an amazing machine and would like to show it off. So after much deliberating with myself i decided to do it and they filmed the interview last week. I just found out it is now playing on the local cable channel and I don't have cable, I have satellite T.V., so I haven't seen it yet. My quilting friends who have seen it said that I did a good job at explaining how the machine works but that the photography could have been better. "We couldn't see your stitches that well" they said....LOL, only a quilter would be concerned with that.

I will be getting a copy but am in no rush to see it. I think I would be more uncomfortable watching myself than I was being filmed.

Have any of you been filmed and how did you feel watching yourself? I would really like to see how it turned out but I'm just too nervous to watch it.

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I was filmed teaching a class once. They cut out my voice and instructions and there was an over-voice explaining the shop. I thought it was fun. Wish we could see. Time for you to get cable, my friend. HA! I know you did well. REALLY would like to see.:D Are you excited? How long was it? BTW, I love, love Canada. Love your weather and your folks.

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My church's Sunday services are televised, and I'm in the choir, so sometimes my face ends up on TV. I HATE to see myself, and I very, very rarely ever watch our service because I so don't want to see me. Sometimes people will tell me, Oh, I saw you on TV the other day, as if that would please me. I smile pleasantly, but inside I am cringing. But I don't think (hopefully!) that we look as bad to other people as we do to ourselves. And I'm sure your interview was great! Congratulations!

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Congratulations Kathy!

I feel your pain. I stream live from my studio and have dozens of chat room regulars watch me 'LIVE' on my webcam as I work on customer quilts. It's funny that I can be in front of the camera days on end, even talking back and forth with the quilters in my chat room but the minute I try and record the video I get all nervous and camera shy. I think it's because I realize I might have to watch it back. It's nerve racking. I hope to over come this and start recording lots of videos from the studio. I hope to see your 'infomercial' some day. :)

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Last year when we were sewing quilttops which after the quilting are donated to children with chronical or liveftreathening illnesses this was recorded for a programm on Dutch Television.

They were recording during 4 hours and in the programm were about 10 minutes left.

On the evening, a few hours before the programm was broadcoasted, I was at the gym, some people asked me "were you on television". It seemed they had seen the trailer of the programm were I was saying a few words. In the programm itself I was besides those few words only visible with the whole group and 2 times with my hands, when I was seweing cotton knitting threads on a top with kites.



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I haven't done anything like that but you brought back a funny memory for me. My daughter surprised me a while back to a filming of a talk show here in Canada...the "Steven and Chris" show which is filmed in Toronto...these guys are a hoot and if you have a chance to go, you should...you get treated real well and lots of prizes and give-aways!

Anyway, when the episode aired the next week, the three of us were sitting right in the spot where they kept cutting to the audience! Even tho' I don't think I'm photogenic at all, it was kind of cool.

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Thanks for your kind words!

I think it is the interview part that scares me to see and that i probably didn't word things as nicely as i would have if i was writing down the responses to the questions. I usually rewrite things many times before i'm happy with my answers so i'm affraid to hear just what came out of my mouth! And the sound of my voice will drive me crazy...."is that what i sound like"...but i think most people feel that way about their voice when it's recorded.

But yes it was exciting to get that attention, it made me feel special!

Matt, I just checked out your website (love your studio) and signed up for the online quilt magazine you write for. I'm looking forward to reading through it later.

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Congratulations, Kathy! You will be just fine. Just be yourself and forget about the cameras. You're much too hard on yourself.

Where is Schist Lake in Manitoba? I'm guessing it's close to Flin Flon, since I think you mentioned that's where the Shaw people are located in your Blog. I'm in Cooks Creek, which is between Beausejour and Oakbank, east of the City of Winnipeg.

Love your Blog!

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Thanks Linda. I live about 15km east of Flin Flon, its a little cottage development on Schist Lake. I grew up in Winnipeg so I know were Cooks Creek is!

I did the interview already and just watched it on the Shaw website a few minutes ago. They titled it Long Arm Loomer......????? Oh well.

If i can post a link to it i will, it is only a 2 minute profile.

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The link works! and you look great, sound intelligent and congrats on your Award Winning Quilts! Sounds like your local guild really benefits from your being in the community and anyone listening hears you referring to the machine correctly. Silly reporter to call it a loom, a loom has yarn, not thread. Oh well, time to educate. Great advertising, you come across as professional.

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I just emailed the journalist who did the interview and had to tease him about the title of the interview "Long Arm Loomer"....makes me sound like a villain or a stalker! :o The Long Armed Loomer strikes again!!! (...oh i do amuse myself..LOL).

In his defense he didn't title it, he said the cable companys 'Master Control' titles the pieces so he's reputation in town is saved:)

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