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I'm so excited I might bust! - sneak peak added!

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Congratulations, Heidi. You must be one creative person. That's why I love this forum. Everyone has so many different talents and they don't hesitate to share them with everyone.

I hope you get more time with Maddie because I see a future quilter there. With you helping her, she'll be a pro by the time she's ten. Can't wait to see your design.

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Oh Heidi :) how exciting. I can hardly wait to see the finished quilt, it sounds awsome. I am just thrilled that you are going to be published as well! I sure do hope you are able to get enough completed by the MQX deadlines. I am sending you good luck wishes that comes with a stress regulator so you can get it done with hardly any stress.

It sounds like you have taken such good care of Maddie. I am glad you have the time with her as well.

p.s. - I love Christian Lane, they do have nice fat backs :)

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Keep it up girls it's working! I have been getting up at 5:30 am to work on the master pattern design so that I might stand a chance. I should be able to complete the master pattern tonight and that means tomorrow night I can attach it to the fabric and start transferring it. My goal was to have it transferred by Sunday but I will be 2 days ahead of schedule so just maybe I can load it and start the trapunto layer by mid week. I have to do the applique inserts first. Not sure how long that will take since I'm using a new method. At my guild meeting last night one of my friends demonstrated how to do the technique that I'm planning ot use. What perfect timing. I hope that helps it to go faster!

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OK girls since you are pushing me along I now have my master pattern just about done. Just a simple circle to add in the middle and it will be ready to put to fabric and start marking the fabric. I'm now 3 days ahead of my own schedule and I really hope I can keep it up. Yes Linda it isn't like I have anything else going on in my life and since I've been up since 5:30 I'm about ready to call it a night. I wish I could survive on 5 hours sleep a night...boy what I could get done with 3 more hours in my day!!!!

OK so since you have all been so motivating here is a sneak peak. This is the background design and it is all my own original, except the very center of the tear shape which I used a stencil for. I redid the feathers around the outside of it since it didn't match my feathers. The rest of the design is my own! I'm so excited about it. Please be brutally honest with me if you think I'm missing the mark!!!!! I really might just be blinded by my excitement.


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