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NQR Bummed, such a clutz!

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well I came home with such good intentions of getting a quilt on the frame tonight and having all day to quilt tomorrow. First thing I always do when I get home is greet my two little fur babies with a treat. 3 steps down to the bottom, One, two Oh NO!! Missed the last step and turned my ankle over, pain, pain, pain .. No one home so I crawl up the steps to the living room chair and wait till DH come home. Ankle is swelling up pretty good, He gets me some ice and wait a little while and then decide we had better get it xrayed make sure it isnt broken. Praise the Lord, no breaks just a really bad sprain, Radiologist will double check Monday just incase they missed something. Basically it is just stay off it, keep it elevated and ice packs.

Now how am I supposed to quilt with my leg elevated?

Not to mention get up and down the stairs where my studio is. I can crawl and come down on my bum, I guess:cool:

DS stops at the house to visit and calls and says where are you guys we came to visit. Oh at DR Care, okay. Who do you think shows up 5 minutes later just in time to laugh and take a picture of Mom in wheel chair to send his brother and sister. Nice to be Loved isnt it?:P:P

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They said just till Monday when the radiologist makes sure there is not any hairline fractures that they might not have seen. Or until the swelling goes down and I can bear weight better. Right now it hurts too much to try to walk or hobble on it. Should have seen me trying to get into the DR Care. Hubby found one crutch from when he pulled a ham string last year. Problem was he is 6 ft and I am 5' 2 inches. Lucky I didnt sprain the other ankle. LOL

Quilt show coming up in 6 weeks I really need to get busy have 2 quilts to do. Maybe I could sit with leg up and piece or something. :o I am not one who can do nothing, yikes!

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OK take advice from the #1 Klutz ---- I've broken my right foot twice.

It is possible it might be broken, but even worse.... your tendons might be really messed up. This is worse than a break.

1) Stay OFF the foot. That means stay off. That means, no walking on it. That means, not even the tippy toes. That means. NO WEIGHT PERIOD.

2) Keep foot elevated. That means above the heart. That means laying on the couch with two or three pillows under the foot so it's at least 6-12 inches elevated above your head. That means watching TV and reading books until Monday. That means only getting up to go potty or go to bed. That means no cooking, no fussing, no nothing but laying down with foot up.

3) Ice. I can't say it more than this --- all the time 24 hours on ice. Crushed ice works good. Frozen peas and frozen corn work good but they thaw out quick. You can refreeze them. They tend to form around the ankle nicely. Really frozen peas and corn. :) It works.

Ice + elevated + no weight on it = quick recovery.

Originally posted by IBQLTN2

Not to mention get up and down the stairs where my studio is. I can crawl and come down on my bum, I guess

Yes--- on the bum and on the knees. No shame allowed for klutzes. Get well soon and (((((HUGS!!!))))

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You are so lucky you didn't break it. I missed a step which resulted in surgery, three pins in the ankle, and six weeks off work. This all happened while I was out of town so a dear friend had to drive me home so I could recooperate. Four years later, it still kicks up during this lovely weather we are having.

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same story almost. I fell putting up decorations befor Christmas no one home crawled up stairs got dressed crawled back down and to the car and to the er on base 7.25 hrs. later its broke and torn legamints and cartlage. come back in 5 days to get set . no walking on it.And my hubby got me the circle lord for Christmas . so here I sit and .

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Good Morning all.

Thank you Dr. Shana and everyone for all the good advice. I want you to know as hard as it is I am behaving myself. Keeping my foot elevated, iced and no walking without the crutches. Woke up in the night to go to the bathroom and crawled there as was afraid crutches would add to my clutziness. Just a short way, but then needed ice and tylenol so about 4 am took crutches to kitchen and once there felt faint. Oh , no can't have that. I managed to sit on the floor until it passed but of course couldn't manage to stand back up so I crawled over into the living room sofa dragging my crutches and ice pack, got to the couch and spent the rest of the night there. Hubby says I should have called him, but I doubt he would have heard me as he sleeps with breathing apparatus for sleep apnea.

The swelling has gone down somewhat so it must be doing good to follow directions. although it doesnt appear that it is broken I feel by the amount of bruising there must be some torn ligaments in there somewhere.

Thank you for your prayers of healing and comfort. I have lots of quilt magazines and one of Jennifer Chiavrini books that I hadn't read yet to keep me occupied for awhile, and of course being able to check in and see what the rest of my forum friends are up to is great. Blessings to you all. Love ya oodles and oodles!!

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Ouch! Do you have any quilts that need binding? What a perfect time to bind because you can't do much else! Well, if you don't have any that need binding, I have a at least 5 that just need to be hand whipped down:P:P:P I'd be more than happy to share:P:P:P

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Oh Kathleen, so sorry your story sounds even worse than mine, at least mine wasnt broken and it only took me an hour and a half at the Dr. Care not bad for a friday night I guess. So are you able to use it yet and try out that Circle Lord. I have that nifty sunburst template being delivered here on Monday, maybe I can stretch these drs orders of keeping it elevated thing out to miss work on Monday Humph :o I might still not be able to walk on it , although it is my left ankle so at least I should be able to drive as I have an automatic not a stick shift. The swelling has gone down alot from keeping off it and keeping it elevated. Dont know what will happen once I try to walk on it. A wonderful quilt friend brought me over 3 more Jennifer Chiaverini books to keep me occupied tonight and tomorrow.

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