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My roof fits!

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Yes, I need to concentrate on finding shipping sponsors next and also work out a tour/schedule... I have a couple lined up tentatively, not knowing what shipping will be yet as I haven't got it weighed or exact dimensions as a parcel! I could do with a PA to remind me of all my jobs to do...

Anne is quite right - UK/GB (Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland) is technically European BUT most Brits like to think we are still "independent", keeping a firm grip on £ sterling, miles and rebelling against kilos

Tracy... you weren't supposed to tell them that's what I called the "putting it up day":P

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Originally posted by Tracy G

Originally posted by sewlinzi

Tracy... you weren't supposed to tell them that's what I called the "putting it up day":P

Proper queens English like what I speak, "one erects ones tent, not puts ones tent up ":D:D:D:D

Yes, proper English ---OK so yeah, I was taught not to end a sentence with a preposition. (but like totally for sure like ya know,,, like who in the heck talks like that anymore anywhooo???) :cool::D;) Silly Americans of course!!

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