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Something to brighten your day!

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A lovely warm looking quilt to brighten your day.....

I finished Kristina's High Desert Mystery .....love it, it's just what we need in Scotland today, a few photos here but lots more over on my blog........Borderline Quilter


December 2010 by Borderline Quilter, on Flickr

Minus 19 degrees celsius out there this morning.....bbbbbrrrrr.......


High Desert Mystery Quilt! by Borderline Quilter, on Flickr


Lots of definition.... by Borderline Quilter, on Flickr


Corner View by Borderline Quilter, on Flickr

It was a fun quilt to make and quilt and Shannon 'you are right'......it's not too bright perfect for our sudden Scottish Winter!

Thanks Kristina for all your hard work.....it was fun!

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Linzi....You would be very trendy with a quilted poncho...however at the moment no one would see you but you would be warm.....it's snowing like mad again here...the weather man said it wouldn't snow today.....just been out to feed the horses....they decided to go for a gallop out in the feild...they think this is fun.....??????.....stupid horses!!!!!

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Kay, you have a great Blog - so wonderful to read! Question, could you simply explain here, how you did your velcro leaders and how they work. I kind of understand the explanation that you so kindly shared on your Blog, but need a little more clarity - this old brain does not catch on as quickly as it used to. Does the "prickly" part of the velcro get attached to the leaders and the soft part of the velcro get sewn on the backing?

Mahalo for your inspiration!

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I love what you did with this mystery. It's amazing what different fabrics can do to the same design. And your quilting just really sets it off. I've been trying to follow your quilting path. Did you have a lot of stops and starts, or were you able to do pretty much continuous? Great job of design and quilting. I had to save it to favorites.

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