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Why didn't I say NO!?!? Finished with pics

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Wow, Barb. I knew you were an angel. Amazing! You are too much! And speaking of too much... $150? seriously? I think you are not charging enough for what I see as custom work on a large quilt!!! But I am not surprized because you are so good and caring and kind and thoughtful and always put others before you. That's just how you are, little Missy Mayfield!!:cool:

I love you Barb. Really. Truly :)

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You are a shining example of the spirit of this season! You did an outstanding job on a challenging quilt - and I know your customer will be a very happy lady. I hope she gives you a BIG tip!

I can only imagine how difficult it is for that young man in the hospital now. I hope the quilt you make for him brings him comfort and strength.

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Incredible. You are one brave lady!

Actually, I recently had one that was almost as bad. I now wish I had taken a picture, but at the time I just wanted to get rid of it & never be reminded. It was all made of fleece, a "quilt as you go" type thing where the top was great giant puffballs of STUFFED fleece, sewn on to a fleece backing. The maker was able to sew them on in one direction, but wanted additional quilting going the other way, & could not fit it in her DSM. She actually sent her husband to deliver it to me (I guess she did not want to face up to it herself), & I thought my Millie could handle it. When I tried to go across one row, it made some pretty awful noises. I immediately took it off the frame, frogged what I had done, called the guy to come pick it up, retimed my machine (which thanks to you, Barb, I am able to do), & was back in business pretty quickly, but it was a fright.

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Originally posted by seakitten

....When I tried to go across one row, it made some pretty awful noises. I immediately took it off the frame, frogged what I had done, called the guy to come pick it up, retimed my machine (which thanks to you, Barb, I am able to do), & was back in business pretty quickly, but it was a fright.

OMG Catherine!! :o:D:o:D

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Barb, you did a wonderful job on this quilt. No tip would ever pay you enough for what you accomplished. There is a story in one of the books for the Christian Soul about a quilter. When they showed her quilt it was tatter but had the face of Jesus. Your quilt will too! Thank you for being an angel!

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Barb, you are a wonder! I honestly just sat here and stared at that first photo thinking the maker must have lost their marbles! And now that I've read through this thread and have seen the "finished" product I am so humbled by your talent. You are definitely the quilt angel of Christmas. Your work is absolutely positively awesome!

Then to read about the young man, my heart just aches for him and he sounds so lost, so sad..........bring tears to my eyes. Whatever you decide to do for him will be very comforting, I'm sure. Hope you post your quilt for him.

You are truly an inspiration, Barb. ((((Hugs))))

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I'm blushing from all the fancy words, but in all honesty, I just didn't know that I shouldn't be able to do what I did. It wasn't easy and it wasn't fun:o, but it was a lot like retiming one of our machines: not really hard, but tedious - and necessary!;) When my customer saw it, she all but broke into tears - then called her husband in from the truck so he could see it hanging. They are headed east on Monday to see family, so it was something that just had to be done - and I'm glad I was able to get the job done for her.

And I'll keep you posted on Christopher's quilt - won't be able to start it until after Christmas, especially since I got a panic call from a customer this morning, 2½ hours away in Canada, who needs me to come and teach her to retime her machine - guess I'll be doing some more driving this week than I planned......

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