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Della....goofed...try again

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Della, Wow! those feathers are just to die for!! Did you do them from someone's video or book??? I want it whatever it is! I want to learn to do feathers like that ! JUST WOW!!! If you just did them "on your own".... could you make a drawing and show us the way you did them? So beautiful!!! linda

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Thanks again for your kind words! I guess I learned how to do the feathers by watching youtube..lol...and drawing them on a white board. I had never had a hand on a quilting machine until visiting APQS showroom in Des Moines but the machine was so much like drawing with a marker that they kind of fell into place. I am not very smooth yet and still need better control but that will come with practice...I hope. Someone asked if the pattern is a bump bump...not sure what that is but I tried not to follow the last line and then made an arch over to the fisrt loop and rounded the top of the next feather. I wish I know how to show you. I am in Princeton MO so not too far from Blue Spings...lol

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