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Looks like 1 -2 hours is winning out by a thread. LOL I rarely get more than 2 hours a day to quilt because of my full-time job. On the weekends I can get in one good day of 6 - 8 hours and then the rest of the time I have to work on household stuff. I wish I had a maid and butler then I could just do what I wanted to do. In fact if I could afford a maid and butler I'd let them go and quit my day job! LOL One day I'll have time for my stuff again.

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I haven't voted cause I don't quilt daily, I don't have an answer. I used to quilt full time. Now: I have a full time job, my house is all mine and no one else to pitch in to do the chores. 3 grown daughters with 9 grandkids that take up alot of my time. Many days I run out of time to quilt, some weekends all I do is quilt (ie: last weekend maybe 12 hours per day) other weekends I'm on the go. Would love to do a couple hours a day but I run out of energy and have to stop. Like today, came home mowed the grass, fixed dinner, did some house chores, time to crash and bed by 9 morning comes early as I leave a few min after 6. Still have to get the trash out for early am pick up and should do some work on my Mom's estate (that's waiting for tomorrow) . Need a bunch more awake hours with energy in every day...

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