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Guest Linda S

Oh Heidi, she's such a beautiful little girl. I hope some good decisions are made in court and she gets to have some good things happen in her life. I'm glad she has you, if only occasionally.

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Originally posted by mswings

Heidi she is growing up sooo fast!!!! She is adorable. Has she seen her new cousin yet?? I'm so glad you are getting to see her. Hope all goes well with the court date.

Virginia no she hasn't gotten to meet her cousin yet. I'm hoping that she can go down with us soon. She is very excited about Kailey and when we take clothes out that are too small for her she says she is going to save them for Kailey. Too cute. She was pretty jealous at first. She isn't too keen on somebody getting hugs from her Aunt Heidi. LOL I'm sure she will be best buddies with her.

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Vicki - yes she is 4 and boy the things she is coming out with. Some not the best but we're working on that. She has a sister that is almost 12 so you know they hear all kinds of things. Her funniest expression at the moment is, "Are you kidding me?" I want to say things that make her say it. Cracks me up.

Boni - Maddie is my niece. I started keeping her on weekends, well Thursday - Sunday when she was 2 1/2. She was with us every weekend except 2 I think in 1 1/2 years. Her mother and father are now going through a custody battle and her mother has done everything she can to keep her away from us. I had to call the police on her because she was drunk and Maddie was upset. The police sent in CPS and after that her mother banned me. It has been a very difficult year. This happened in March. Court is on the 15th and I just keep praying for the right decision to be made. Maddie deserves a safe and loving environment. I'm hoping when it is all over I'll be able to have her more. She has a room at our house and will always have a safe place to come. I wish parents would stop hurting their children! Makes me so sad.

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Originally posted by hmerrill

Her funniest expression at the moment is, "Are you kidding me?" I want to say things that make her say it. Cracks me up.

Our granddaughters say the funniest things too! Once when Gpa asked her to repeat what she said, Miranda (4yr) said to him, "You have to follow the conversation!"

Another one was, when they don't understand us, with a sweet attitude, they say, "Just what are you talking about?" (5 yr old)

I'll bet we could come up with a million of them. I'm glad you are on top of this issue. We'll be praying for that right decision!

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