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Where to trim after quilting

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Hi all...another question. Sometimes I sew the binding on for a customer before taking it off the frame so I know where to trim the quilt...but...when I don't put the binding on, I am not sure where the best place to trim to is. Do I trim right up to the quilt or leave an inch or so? It looks to me like it would be harder to attach the binding if it is trimmed too close but that is just me. What do you all do? Thanks in advance!!! Della

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I recommend to my customers that they NOT trim their quilt before binding it.

Apply whatever width binding using their quarter-inch foot and right at the edge of the top. The backer and batting can be trimmed before- for convenience- to no less than 2".

After stitching the binding, they can determine how much binding they want to show on the front and trim accordingly, so the binding is full of batting. As Carol stated, a quarter inch of batting peeking out will result in a full binding, like the judges always comment on!;)

On my own few-and-far-between projects, I trim the backer/batting as I go when I'm hand-stitching the binding.

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I think the customer needs to trim their own quilt. I have been told by judges in a quilt show that the binding should be full. In other words if you feel the binding fabric and nothing else you will be counted off. The quilt edge should be filling the binding. You never know how wide a binding the customer is planning. Am I making sense?


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I didn't used to trim, but then when Kristina and Shannon were here I had a quilt to return. The batting and backing extended 6 to 8 inches beyond the quilted bits. It was distracting when showing her her quilt and made the quilt difficult to handle. Shannon said she always trims. I started doing that and leave appx 2 inches around the quilt. Sure makes for a nicer presentation both when returning the quilt and especially for those that are returned at guild and then shown.

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Wow. I must be in the minority. I always trim about 1/4 - 1/2 inch. The few times I did not trim for whatever reason, my customers complained that it was too hard for them to do the trimming, since I have the giant table and most of them don't.

Only one customer specifically doesn't want me to trim.

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I do ask my customers if they want their quilt trimmed. Some do not, some want up to 4" left, and others want it trimmed to the edge of the quilt. When you trim the quilt, it is a nicer presentation when you give it back to the customer. Plus when you take pictures it looks so nice, no extra batting and backing showing.

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