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Merry Christmas to all my Quilty Friends!

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Originally posted by Della

By the way, what is FROGGING?

Della, Frogging is the sound a frog makes "rip it - Rip it - Rip it!" So unsewing is frogging. Ripping out stitches if frogging. If you haven't done much of it yet, you will indeed. In fact you will get very good at frogging. We quilters acquire some skills... some we like more than others. With lots of practice, I must admit that I have perfected my skill in frogging. :) You will too.

My favorite tool to help me frog is my dental pick. Love that thing. It rips really quickly (yeah, but still takes forever) so I can get back to sewing again.

Another term for frogging is to skin a quilt. Skinning. Yup! But skinning takes a whole new level of tenacity. I'm pretty good at skinning a quilt too. Hate to admit it but have probably skinned a few quilts so far. Not the funnest job in the world. But ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Live and learn....

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Just say NO to the TOAD! :o

That is So funny!!! reminds me of a South Park or Simpsons episode where they licked the toads and went on some kind of a mind trip....

Froggin' just isn't that kind of fun.

Love the saying - put in my order for a purple t-shirt or apron!

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