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Just gotta share this sweet quilty story...

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This is a long story so bear with me. :D

OK this past week, I was given a Sunbonnet Sue quilt. My customer, Verde, wanted custom work in the sashing, borders and background fill around the SBS in each "scene" The quilt top was made by her elderly mother, Carol, and Carol is terminally ill and has maybe a few months to live. Something to do with hernias in her abdomen that the doctors say are beyond repair and surgery is an extremely high risk. So sad... Hospice is starting now.

Anyway, Carol's SBS quilt top was exquisitely done. I could tell it was made with so much love. Each piece of the applique was all finished with a beautiful blanket stitch done by hand. Each "scene" (there were 12 scenes in the quilt) were so cute... and lovingly done with great choices in fabrics. It was very personal, and was made as a special gift for her grand daughter.

The woman that pieced it together, Carol (Verde's mom) hasn't much time left to live. When I finished it, I told Verde that I wanted to meet her mom (due to health, Carol is house bound and cannot travel). Well, Verde and Carol just live 2 miles away from me... so on Monday (yesterday), I picked up Verde and we drove over to her mom's house. I walked into their home where I immediately felt so much love.

Have you ever walked into someone's house and you just felt the love that lived there?

So. That is when I met Carol, and her loving, kind family. And she is so adorable. She has a beautiful face like sunshine and a radiating smile. And she talked my ear off the entire time. And she loved her quilt. :) Her in-home care nurse, Brenda, just happened to be there, too. And I also met her lovely daugher in law, Nancy. All of them happen to be quilters. And Carol's husband was there, too. His health is failing. But Carol and her hubby are hanging on so they can be around to celebrate their 70 year wedding anniversary in June. (I told Carol if I hear rock & roll music blaring from down the street I know it's her anniversary party) She laughed.

So... After chatting, Carol brings me into her bedroom. There she has her sewing machine set up. On the walls, are posters of photos of her family. Up and down the hallway, posters made from photos of her extended family. It oozed with so much love. In Carol's room, she also has a computer. So she asked me for my email so she could write or call me with her next quilt she's making. That was on Monday. Well, today (Tuesday) I get an email from Carol. I wanted to share it with you. :) It's so cute. Here it is:

Shana, I have actually been rejoicing to have found a quilter, and one who loves to put love into her work. Thank you very much. I have enough materials left over to made another Sun Bonnet Sue for Nancy’s daughters little girl named Molly. Brenda and I talked about it today what we would like to do. We finished the little black “Ask me if I care if the seams don’t match” quilt. It is very pretty actually.

Have a happy day. With affection, Carol and Brenda and Nancy.

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Thanks for sharing. This is indeed a lovely story. I hope that Carol and her husband make it to their 70th anniversary - what an accomplishment. The recipients of the SBS quilts will be covered in love - both from the piecer and the quilter. Sounds like you've met a quilter with as much love in her heart as you have in yours.

Take care.


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Thanks. Oh and she has bins of fabric in her bedroom too. :P She also showed me a vintage 30's double wedding ring she's currently putting together. She's got quite a few projects going.

And Carol told me that when she got the news about her terminal illness, she was pretty down about it. But then she figured she has to make the most of her remaining days so she has decided that no more down, only happy and good days are left for her. She's got quilts to finish!!!

Attitude is indeed everything.

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Shana, I know what you mean about being in a house full of love...you just feel it. When I was growing up my best friends house was like that. I spent every minute I could with that family and have very fond memories of that time in my life. What a sweetie you are to want to meet Carol. She sounds like a dear with a great attitude. Those projects are keeping her going! Thanks for sharing.

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