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Another Update (Sunday) - Laura's surgery - she needs more prayers and hugs

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Finally received an email from Laura - she is home!!! She did have a minor complication but is doing well - can't quilt for a bit but at least she is on the mend!!!!!!


Received from Laura's daughter this afternoon - haven't heard from Laura yet .......... Don't know if anything is going on - have emailed Adena but not heard back yet ....... will let you know when I do..............


This is Laura’s daughter. She wanted me to give you a message, well more of a request really. She wants you to post to the apqs forums that, and I quote, ‘More prayer’s needed for Laura’.



Following is an email mail that I received from Laura's daughter. Sounds like all went well and she will be back to quilting before too long and I am sure will be checking the site as soon as she is able. Let's send her lots of hugs and warm wishes for a speedy recovery.

"Just got off the Phone with my mom, and yes she talked to me from her bed in the recovery room, but as we all know that’s how she rolls.

Things went well, she’s doing ‘really well’ (I’m quoting her here), due to the drugs she’s been given, and will be in the hospital for a couple of days since they had to put a lumbar drain in to let her body heal.

Four hours later her 3/16 in hole in her skull is gone and everything should get better now! I know she appreciates all your emails and messages!


(The daughter)"


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Terrific news Laura, and please thank your daughter for talking to Meg thus letting us all know how you are doing.

Prayers for a healing that is perfect.

Will welcome you back, of course..



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